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Industrial heritage documentation
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Industrial heritage

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Melo, A. A. de A., Pereira, I. S., & Jales, L. de S. (2020). Industrial heritage documentation: technology center of the leather and footwear Albano Franco, in Campina Grande [state of Paraiba, Brazil]. Labor E Engenho, 14, e020017.


The article has as its object of analysis, the documentary rescue of the industrial heritage collection, taking as a case study, the architectural ensemble of the Leather and Footwear Technology Center (CTCC) Albano Franco, linked to the National Service for Industrial Learning (SENAI), located in the city of Campina Grande, region of the “agreste parnaibano”. The objective is to carry out an imagistic and documentary rescue of the work designed by “carioca” architect Cydno Ribeiro da Silveira, in the 90s, through the decoding of its primary sources (photographs, architectural analyzes) and secondary sources (original technical boards, publications), for a functional and formal analysis of the whole. It is justified by the need to discuss industrial and modern heritage in contemporary times, which, due to the lack of appreciation by conservationist bodies and society, run serious conservation risks. Result of academic research, the article is based on a theoretical framework that dialogues with the concepts of documentation, cultural heritage, modernity – discussed by national and international authors, as will be seen.
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