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Open spaces and wastewater


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Open Spaces
Green infraestructure
Ecological infraestructure

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Amorim, N. C. R. (2021). Open spaces and wastewater: contributions from the Lima Ecological Infrastructure Strategy. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021001.


This article aims to analyze how the manual LEIS – Lima Ecological Infrastructure Strategy proposes the articulation of wastewater treatment with the design of public open spaces in Lima - Peru. The manual presents possibilities for water-sensitive projects, through the concept of Ecological Infrastructure. A qualitative analysis methodology is adopted, and the research is focused on bibliographic review and consultation of pertinent legislation. Throughout the text, we seek to relate the proposals and guidelines present in the manual with the management of urban water in Salvador [state of Bahia]. In order to reflect on contributions and challenges, in a perspective of greater integration between projects sensitive to water and urbanized space.
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