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Intense rainfall and flooding events
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Intense rainfall
Industrial heritage
Rainfall spatial variability

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Kabke Bainy, B., Heuminski Avila, A. M., & da Silva, P. H. . (2022). Intense rainfall and flooding events: a case study for Campinas [state of Sao Paulo, Brazil] 2019. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022004.


This paper aims to assess spatial variability of rainfall and its impacts in flooding occurrences in Campinas (Brazil), during 2019. Daily accumulated rainfall data was obtained from 8 rain gauges across the city, and flooding data were granted by the city Civil Defense, and are based on incident reports made by the population. It was verified a good agreement with respect to the occurrence or not of rain among the rain gauges. Nonetheless, the quantitative variability became evident, due to occasional heavy rain on microscale. Flooding data analysis led to the identification of more susceptible flooding areas. Aspects such as daily accumulated rainfall and terrain surely play an essential role in flooding events. However, the city area in which most flooding occurs is relatively higher than the surroundings, which suggests – also for being part of downtown and being largely urbanized – that urbanization is a significant feature that contributes to floods.
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