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Analysis of the protection attributed to the fepasa complex in Jundiaí (state os Sao Paulo, Brazil) compared with the preservation guidelines
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Railway heritage
Heritage chapter

How to Cite

Silva, M. M. da, & Oliveira, E. R. de. (2022). Analysis of the protection attributed to the fepasa complex in Jundiaí (state os Sao Paulo, Brazil) compared with the preservation guidelines. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022015.

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This study aims to collect data on the condition of the Fepasa Complex in Jundiaí-SP/Brazil, as a railway asset protected by the National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan), in order to compare with existing guidelines on heritage conservation, specifically the industrial category. For this, seven different heritage charters were analyzed that guide the preservation of cultural heritage, compared with the motivations that led to the decree of tipping, justifications of the technical staff and valuations considered in the protection of the heritage. Books and public documents were consulted, as well as assistance in identifying heritage through Geographic Information System (GIS). In the end, it was identified that despite some initiatives consistent with the recommendations for heritage preservation, there is still a lack of diversity and guidance in the preservation agency in the figure of its technical staff regarding the protection, conservation and identification of valuations specifically aimed at the railway industrial heritage.
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