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Climatological statistics for the “Norte Pioneiro” region of the Parana state [Brazil]
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Coffee growing
Geographical indication
Climate change
Agroforestry systems

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Torres, G. A. L., Greco, R., Coltri, P. P., & Pascoalino, A. (2023). Climatological statistics for the “Norte Pioneiro” region of the Parana state [Brazil]: implications for specialty coffees and solutions in climate-smart agriculture. Labor E Engenho, 17(00), e023008.


Brazilian coffee production in recent years has shown greater focus on the production of quality coffee. The change is accompanied by protocols for the quality control of the beverage, as well as environmental preservation and sustainable agricultural management. Permeating these guidelines, are climate change scenarios and their consequences that can cause damage to the quantity and quality of the coffee produced. The present study aims to analyze trends in temperatures and precipitation from 1990 to 2020 for municipalities in the coffee producing region with Geographical Indication of Origin of the Norte Pioneiro of the state of Paraná - Brazil. For that, the statistical tests of Mann-Kendall and later the test of Pettitt were carried through. The tests indicated a tendency for an increase in temperatures and a decrease in precipitation, with significant differences when comparing the data before and after the year of break in the homogeneity of the series, reaching 2.3°C for the maximum daily average temperature, 0.7°C for the daily average minimum temperature and 0.5 mm for the daily average precipitation. From the evidence of changes in climatic parameters, a bibliographic review was carried out on Climate-Smart Agriculture with a focus on works with proposals for adaptation to climate change. The review showed greater use of technology in the coffee production chain in recent years, with an emphasis on quality control. However, most studies report agroforestry systems as one of the most promising ways of maintaining product quality in line with the adaptation of coffee farming to climate change.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guilherme Almussa Leite Torres, Roberto Greco, Priscila Pereira Coltri, Aline Pascoalino


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