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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Línguas e Instrumentos linguísticos has as a goal to publish texts that think about languaging and linguistic functioning as a whole, about languaging technologies and the history of ideas, concepts and methods of languaging studies.

In order to do so, this journal has, continuously and regularly, published articles from the several areas of Language Sciences and from authors from multiple universities and research centers from Brazil and abroad.

Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos has four sections that organize its publication.

Section Policy

In the Aberta section we publish articles from different themes, that introduce theoretical and methodological reflections in Languaging.

Crônicas e Controvérsias presents texts, essays, debates that rekindle fundamental studies, notions or analysis from Linguistics in order to show deadlocks, problematic and other pertinent issues surrounding the historicity of Language Sciences. This section aims to stimulate the debate around issues of interest to the area.

Dossiê, since the 33rd number of the journal, is a section in which one finds a set of articles about a relevant topic on Language Studies, allowing for better knowledge and a wider comprehension on specific topics.

At last, Resenha gives space to the constant critical understanding of works that are part of the contemporary history of fundamental studies on Languaging.

The sections “Crônicas e Controvérsias” and “Dossiê” are published when there are submissions destined to them.


From 2024, the journal Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, will adopt a rolling pass system, making it faster to publish articles. There will be no fascicles or periodicity as we currently use. We will publish approved articles in several sets in one volume per year. The full summary and editorial will be published together with the last set of articles in the volume for the year.

Historic of the Journal

Created and directed by the project História das Ideias Linguísticas no Brasil, the journal was first published in 1998 by Editora Pontes. Beginning at the number 21, the journal is published in its electronic version.

Qualis Historic



Cataloguing in Publication prepared by:
Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8ª/5447