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Expression of the third person in the parkatêjê language



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SILVA, Nandra Ribeiro; GALUCIO, Ana Vilacy Moreira; FERREIRA, Marilia de Nazaré Oliveira. Expression of the third person in the parkatêjê language. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 42, n. 42, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v42i42.8661577. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This article presents a detailed description of the distinct ways of indexing a third-person pronominal referent on Parkatêjê verbs. Parkatêjê is a Jê language belonging to the Timbira Dialectal Complex, and spoken in the Southeast part of the State of Pará (Brazil). The motivation to investigate this specific topic was  that it had not been the focus of a thorough analysis in the previous studies on the language (FERREIRA, 2003; ARAÚJO 1989). Based on morphosyntactic, phonotactic and historical-comparative criteria, we describe the several forms of expressing the third person with verbs in Parkatêjê, and propose a revised list of Parkatêjê personal pronouns, which includes the forms for third-person singular and plural. In addition, we compare the pattern of verbal third person expression of Parkatêjê to the patterns found in other Northern Jê languages, such as Mẽbẽngokrê, Krahô, Pykobjê and Apãniekrá.


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