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Reflexões sobre a linguagem
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INDURSKY, Freda. Reflexões sobre a linguagem: de Bakhtin à análise do discurso. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 3, n. 4/5, p. 69–88, 2000. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v4i4/5.8662350. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Starting from Bakhtins notions of statement and dialogism, this paper examines his discursive conception of language. According to him, it is possible to discern different voices in the statement which establish among each other dialogical relations. The statement which establish among each other dialogical relations. The statmente is in fact a discursive unit, since it is an answer to previous staments and is also linked to those which follow it. The next step is to constrast Bakhtins notion with the conceptions developed in the theory of Enunciation and in Discourse Analysis. Firstly, Ducrots concept of polyphony is looked upon; Secondly, Courtines concept of divided statement. Whereas the former allows for the occurrence of antagonic values associated to different subjects within the same statement, the latter allows different historical subjects to establish differences, divergences and antagonism in the Kernel of the discursive statement, making the discourse of the outher sound constitutively in the discourse of the subject.
In these conceptions it is a matter of relations within the statement whereas inb Bakhtins it is a matter of relations between statements.
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