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From the infinite state to the finite state of the verb
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Verbal infinitive
Grammatical subjet

How to Cite

KARLA PEREIRA , Bruna; DIAS, Luiz Francisco. From the infinite state to the finite state of the verb: the enunciative limits of the sentence unit. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 21, p. 33–52, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v11i21.8664881. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper approaches the concept of infinitive verbal form
in Portuguese, from an enunciative perspective. The contributions that
come from the discussion of the dichotomy between personal and impersonal verbal forms are applied in an analysis of the grammatical subject in
which the relation between the non-finite and the finite state of the verb as
well as the notion of inflexion are reexamined.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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