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Coordination and subordination in the work of Said Ali
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Grammatical historiography
Said Ali
Syntactic processes
Coordinating conjunctions

How to Cite

AZEREDO, José Carlos Santos de. Coordination and subordination in the work of Said Ali: tradition and modernity. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 49, p. 183–198, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v25i49.8669259. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The current interest of Brazilian linguists in the history of grammatical thought among us is remarkable. One of the lines of this modern reflection focuses on the indicators of the Brazilian author's autonomy in the face of colonial heritage. Already consensual among researchers of this history - who generally follow the proposal of Antenor Nascentes (1935) -, the starting point of this phase of autonomy is the publication of the Grammatica Portugueza, by Julio Ribeiro, in 1881. In the opinion of several contemporary linguists, the aforementioned autonomy movement promised an expansion of reflections that ended up being stopped by the advent of the Brazilian Grammatical Nomenclature, in 1959. In a way, it was also in the broth of this thesis that the aforementioned interest in deepening the formation of Brazilian grammatical thought gained flavor. Whether proven or not, it has already borne an auspicious fruit: the motivation for the discovery, by new generations of language scholars, of the legacy of thinkers such as Manuel Said Ali, an anticipator of concepts recognized as touchstones of modern theories about enunciation and meaning.
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