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The functioning of interlocution in the truth commission and in the Apolitical School
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Truth commission
Apolitical school

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DALTOÉ, Andréia da Silva. The functioning of interlocution in the truth commission and in the Apolitical School: among silence, breath and suffocation. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. esp, p. 242–255, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v25iesp.8671216. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


30 years of The forms of silence ([1992] 2007) by Eni P. Orlandi and the opportunity to write about the importance and determination of this work in the studies we carry out in Discourse Analysis of materialist line. In order to do so, we will recover our research on the Truth Commission and on projects such as Apolitical School to think about how the issue of silence was fundamental until then and how, now in this article, it can be mobilized to investigate the process of interlocution that is established in the Brazilian political scene in relation to the two themes. It is about the challenge of problematizing the following questions: which interlocutive functioning is involved when the State poses itself as an announcer and to whom does this process affect/address itself? What game of imaginary formations regulates such relationship between A and B? Which position do the subjects involved occupy in the power relations that govern us?.    
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