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Language policy
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Space of enunciation

How to Cite

ZINK-BOLOGNINI, Carmen. Language policy: an example in translation. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 7, n. 13/14, p. 9–19, 2004. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v7i13/14.8673177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


From a materialist perspective of  language  analysis, this article discusses the question of the translator  as  a  subject, based on the analysis of pieces of  news about  Brazil  published  in  the country and translated to American and English papers. The author shmvs how the inscription of the translator in the utterance space betvveen English and Portuguese constitutes a political ins­ cription, which changes the sense of the  text, thus producing  a gi­  ven imaginary about Brazil in the main language for international news, which is English.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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