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Língua e Instrumentos Linguísticos (Laboratório de Estudos Urbanos/UNICAMP), electronic INSS 2674-7375, is dedicated to good practices in respect to a moral conduct befitting with the scientific journal publishing, based in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) code of conduct. The prevention of negligence is also a core responsibility of the editor and the editorial board, any form of unethical behavior, as well as plagiarism, is not accepted in Língua e Instrumentos Linguísticos. The authors that submit articles for the journal declare that their manuscript is original and ensure that the work hasn’t been published and is not in the process of review/evaluation in any other journal.

Língua e Instrumentos Linguísticas also has a commitment with ethics and quality in publishing. We support patterns of ethical behavior expected from everyone involved in publishing in our journal: authors, journal editor, reviewers and editor. We don’t accept plagiarism or any other unethical behavior.

 Editors’ obligations:

  • Publishing decision: The journal editor is responsible for the decision on which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. Editor is guided by the policies from the journal’s editorial board and must observe the legal requisites of defamation strictly, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Editors can consult the editorial board or collaborators to make decisions.
  • Fair rules: The editor must evaluate manuscripts for its intellectual content, without distinction of race, sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of its authors.
  • Confidentiality: The editor and the editorial team must not publicize any information on a submitted manuscript to any other person, with the exception of the author, reviewers, potential collaborators, other members of the board and the editor, if it is the case.
  • Publicity and conflicts of interest: The editor must not use information that is not published in his own investigation without the written and express consent of the author. The editor must refrain from evaluating manuscripts in which he/she has any conflict of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or any other kind of relationship or connection with any of the authors, companies or (possibly) institutions connected with the articles.
  • Participation and cooperation in investigations: The editor must take reasonable measures to answer ethical complaints presented about a manuscript submitted or an article published.

Reviewers’ obligations:

  • To contribute to the Editorial decision: The peer review helps the editor to make editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author, he may also help to improve the article.
  • Punctuality: Any selected judge that does not feel they are qualified to evaluate the research exposed in a manuscript or knows his immediate reviewing is impossible must notify the editor and excuse themselves from the reviewing process.
  • Confidentiality: All manuscripts received for evaluation must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shown to or talked about with a third party.
  • Patterns of objectivity: Comments must be made in an objective way, and reviewers must express their opinions clearly, with supporting arguments.
  • Source knowledge: Peers reviewers must identify relevant published work that was not cited by the authors. The reviewer must also inform the editor on any substantial proximity or overlapping between the manuscript and any other document published that they have personal knowledge.
  • Publicity and Conflicts of Interest: Privileged information or ideas obtained through the peer review must be kept in secret and not be used for personal profit. Reviewers must not consider manuscripts with which they have any conflicts of interest from competitive or collaborative relationship, or any other kind of relationship or connections with any of the authors, companies or (possibly) institutions connected with the articles.

Authors’ obligations:

  • Report Patterns: Authors of original research reports must present a precise account of the work, as well as an objective analysis of its meaning. Subjacent data must be presented with precision in the article. A document must contain enough reference and detail to allow others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or intentionally imprecise declarations constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  • Originality and plagiarism: The authors must ensure that their work is completely original and, if they used the work and/or words from other authors, those must be adequately cited or quoted. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publication behavior and is unacceptable.
  • Multiple, redundant or concurring publications: An author must not, usually, publish manuscripts that describe essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. To submit the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously and/or to publish the same article in different journals constitute unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
  • Font knowledge: Proper knowledge of other people’s work must be kept at all times. Authors must cite the publications that influenced the nature of the reported work. Information obtained in a private matter, such as conversation, mail, or debates with a third party must not be used or reported without explicit and written permission from the source. Information obtained during confidential jobs, such as arbitrage manuscripts or subvention demands, must not be used without the explicit and written authorization from the author of the work involved in those jobs.
  • Article Authorship: The authorship must be limited to those that made a significant contribution to the concept, project, execution or interpretation of the reported study. All those with significative contributions must be listed as co-authors. Others that participated in some substantial aspect of the research project must also be recognized or listed as contributors. The author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors and none inappropriate are included in the article, and that all the co-authors saw and approved the final version of the document and agreed on its publication.
  • Publicity and Conflict of Interest: All authors must publicize in their manuscripts any financial or substantial/material conflict of interest that may influence the results or the interpretations of their manuscripts. All sources of financial support for their project must be publicized.
  • Fundamental mistakes in published works: When an author finds a substantial mistake or imprecision in its own published work, he or she is obliged to notify immediately the journal’s editor or the publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the article.

Publisher’s obligations

o          We work to ensure that the funds for publicity, reprinting or other commercial revenue don’t have any impact on the editorial decisions.

o          Our articles are reviewed to ensure the quality of the scientific publications and we are also users of Turnitin (software to detect plagiarism and similarity).

(*) This Ethical Policy is based on recommendations by Elsevier and COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics -  Diretrizes de Melhores Práticas para Editores de Revistas.