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From modal fallacies to a new argument for fatalism
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Nodal fallacy

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MERLUSSI, Pedro. From modal fallacies to a new argument for fatalism. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofia, Campinas, SP, v. 42, n. 3, p. 86–107, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 set. 2024.


Do incompatibilist arguments, like some fatalist arguments, rest on modal fallacies? If Westphal (2012) is right, then one popular argument for incompatibilism van Inwagen’s “First Formal Argument” - does rest on a modal fallacy. Similarly, Warfield (2000) claims that the standard modal formulation of the master argument for incompatibilismisamodalfallacy. Here, Irefutebothclaims. Contra Westphal, I show that the mistake in van Inwagen’s "First Formal Argument" is no modal fallacy. After that, I argue that Warfield’s charge of modal fallacy can be easily avoided by using a plausible principle concerning actuality. Then, I show that this allows one to put forward a fairly simple argument for fatalism (the thesis that we aren’t able to do otherwise from what we actually do).

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