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Some comments regarding frege’s criterion of correct indirect speech report in the indexical point of view
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Palabras clave

Informe sobre el discurso indirecto
Contenido semántico
Papel del hablante

Cómo citar

BARBOSA, Eduarda Calado. Some comments regarding frege’s criterion of correct indirect speech report in the indexical point of view. Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, Campinas, SP, v. 45, n. 3, p. 6–19, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.


Bozickovic’s The Indexical Point of View is a richly informative and solid philosophical work about the problem of cognitive significance involving indexical thoughts and expressions. Although I tend to agree with most of what is said in the book, here I will make some comments on two minor correlated points regarding Bozickovic’s Fregean account of indirect speech reports (or ISRs). After presenting some of the author's ideas about reports, I will claim that the tracking and updating involved in ISRs is of a complex kind that requires attention to the role played by speech reporters and their audiences. Following that, I will hold that a general theory of correct ISR strictly in Fregean terms (as Bozickovic’s) fails to account for that - at least directly.

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