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The role of ICTs in intersectoral relationships between industry and services
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Information and communication technologies
Intersectoral relations

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ALVES, Amanda Tamires; GOMES, Rogerio; NERIS, Celso. The role of ICTs in intersectoral relationships between industry and services. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. 1–31, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v22i00.8672823. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jan. 2025.


For decades, information and communication technologies (ICTs) have been incorporated into innovations and promoting great transformations in the world economy. This work analyzes the intersectoral relations between industrial activities, ICT and services in the main economies of the world to understand the role that ICT plays in the economy, the relationship between companies and the changes that occurred in 2000, 2007 and 2014. We use the analysis of two indicators: (i) value added, to evaluate the dimension of said activities and (ii) total density, to evaluate the links between them. The results show that, in more advanced economies, the indicators between ICTs and other activities are denser and are directly related to the development of more sophisticated services, located in the stages of the value chains that generate a larger share of the value added.
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