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Elementos para uma integração Micro-macrodinâmica na Teoria do Desenvolvimento Econômico
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Theory of Economic Development
Macroeconomic Dynamics
Multisectoral Analysis

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POSSAS, Mario Luiz. Elementos para uma integração Micro-macrodinâmica na Teoria do Desenvolvimento Econômico. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 1, n. 1, p. 123–150, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v1i1.8648854. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The purpose of this essay is to suggest a mix of Neo-Schumpeterian and Post-Keynesian elements that might turn possible an integration of micro and macro dynamical features, so as to support a non-orthodox reconstruction of the Theory of Economic Development. Mutually compatible theoretical issues are acknowledged and briefly discussed, such as uncertainty (“hard” or “fundamental”) and structural instability (without equilibrium), on the structural side, as well as behavioural ones such as bounded or procedural rationality. The evolutionary Neo-Schumpeterian approach for the dynamics of firms and markets is shortly reviewed, followed by some wellknown dynamic properties stemming from the principle of effective demand, of Kaleckian and Keynesian origin – e.g. multiplier and accelerator effects, among others. It is argued that their integration may provide the basis for a dynamic theory in which micro and macro analytical levels blend naturally. Such integration will certainly require a disaggregate, multisectoral dynamic analysis and instruments. In addition, simulation models should be employed, given the absence of equilibrium assumptions together with the presence of stochastic variables at the micro level, related to evolutionary processes, especially those of innovative and competitive content.
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