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A Rica Fauna da Política Industrial e a sua Nova Fronteira
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Industrial Policy
Market Failures
Catch up

How to Cite

CASTRO, Antonio Barros de. A Rica Fauna da Política Industrial e a sua Nova Fronteira. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 1, n. 2, p. 253–274, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v1i2.8648861. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


The article presents three approaches to industrial policy. The first derives directly from the economic theory and has its central reference in the notion of “market failures” – to be corrected through industrial policy. The second originates from frustations with the development of nations, regions or sectors. In short, it gathers up efforts aiming at the (quick) surmounting of accumulated backwardness. The third and last one refers to contexts in which companies are (or begin to be) able to compete, via innovation lato sensu. In this case, gain growing importance corporative functions such as R&D, design and marketing. The policies role is to support companies in diverse ways, so they can make use of these competition weapons. It is not addressed the importat and complex theme of infra-structure policies, theme wich, nevertheless will be briefly mentioned in view of “the infra-structure of innovation”, fundamental question in the set of policies addressed in the work. The paper concludes with a reference to the Brazilian case, conceived as a peculiar case of post-opening restructuring that increasingly calls for policies of the third kind above examined.
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The content of the articles and reviews published in RBI are of absolute and exclusive responsibility of their authors.


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