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A Contribuição do Caráter “Transversal” do Software para a Política de Inovação
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Software Industry
Informational Technologies
Innovation Policies
Construction Industry

How to Cite

FREIRE, Emerson; BRISOLLA, Sandra de Negraes. A Contribuição do Caráter “Transversal” do Software para a Política de Inovação. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 1, p. 97–128, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v4i1.8648908. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


There is no doubt that one of the great difficulties of the innovative process in Brazilian software companies is, at least for the time being, their little articulation ability with each other, as well as with research and technological development centers and with the several sectors for which it would have the possibility to accomplish its informational projects. Here, it will be analyzed a software segment applied to the construction industry, historically averse to the innovation, proving that ITs (Information Technologies) are diffusing thoroughly even in traditional sectors, serving not only as administrative support but also as a strategic tool in the companies. Moreover, and, mainly, the study intends to exemplify that typical characteristics of the software are valid even for traditional sectors with almost “craft” processes, and influence the sector competitiveness both national and internationally. Among those software sector characteristics it emphasizes its “transverse” character and its importance in the innovation policies regarding to the other economic sectors.
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