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A Geografia da Inovação: uma Metodologia de Regionalização das Informações de Gastos em P&D no Brasil
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Research and Development Statistics
Regionalization Methodology

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SIMÕES, Rodrigo; OLIVEIRA, Alessandra; GITIRANA, Ayane; CUNHA, Juliana; CAMPOS, Márcia; CRUZ, Wellington. A Geografia da Inovação: uma Metodologia de Regionalização das Informações de Gastos em P&D no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 1, p. 157–185, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v4i1.8648910. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The analysis of Brazilian scientific and technological production, both in order to understand the determinants of this practice in space, and to contribute to the construct of specific policies for the fostering of these activities, has been the object of various contemporary studies. These, in general, make use of proxies variables, those concerning article publishing and patent registers being the most commonly found in national literature. The issuance of PINTEC – Industrial Research of Technological Innovation, in 2002 provided the possibility of assessing Brazilian technological development from the point of view of expenses with Research and Development (R&D), putting our country in the roll of those that disclose statistics using internationally accepted methodology of the subject. Notwithstanding the availability of this information through IBGE – Brazilian Institute for Geography & Statistics, still very few works use it for a more detailed study of Brazilian technological innovation’s special distribution. With this in view, the present work makes use of the sectorial data of expenses in R&D furnished by PINTEC and of information on skilled labor derived from the Social Information Annual Register – RAIS-IBGE and of data on patentes from the National Institute for Industrial Property – INPI, for the proposal and estimate of a methodology using a technique of “bi-proportional of residues adjustment”, as in Bacharach (1970), in order to get the Brazilian regional picture of innovative activity at the level of the country's federal unit.
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