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Inovações, Pequenas Empresas e Interações com Instituições de Ensino/Pesquisa em Arranjos Produtivos Locais de Setores de Tecnologia Avançada
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Education/Research Institutions
Small Enterprises
Regional Development

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BOTELHO, Marisa dos Reis Azevedo; CARRIJO, Michelle de Castro; KAMASAKI, Gilsa Yumi. Inovações, Pequenas Empresas e Interações com Instituições de Ensino/Pesquisa em Arranjos Produtivos Locais de Setores de Tecnologia Avançada. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 331–371, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v6i2.8648951. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


In this paper the particularities of the generation of innovations by small enterprises are discussed. Of special interest are the possibilities coming from the interactions between small enterprises and education/research institutions in local clusters. The discussion begins with a theoretical/conceptual approach based on some recent neoschumpeterian developments. Next some data are presented, especially from two clusters in the state of Minas Gerais, namely, the Santa Rita do Sapucaí electronics/ telecommunications cluster and the Belo Horizonte biotechnology cluster. The empirical research provided data, on which our conclusions are based, concerning the generation of innovation as well as the sources of information the enterprises used in this process.
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