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Do Aglomerado Industrial ao APL: uma análise da indústria de confecções de Cianorte (PR)
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Local Productive Arrangements
Productive Agglomerations
Ready-Made Clothing Items

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CAMPOS, Antonio Carlos de; PAULA, Nilson Maciel de. Do Aglomerado Industrial ao APL: uma análise da indústria de confecções de Cianorte (PR). Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 7, n. 1, p. 147–176, 2009. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v7i1.8648961. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.


This study aims to analyze the development of clothing industry in Cianorte (PR), according to local productive arrangement approach. Therefore, the main purpose of the analysis was to characterize the productive structure of the arrangement, identifying the factors that inhibit or stimulate its consolidation. The results of the research reveal the low professional qualification of employees and employers as well as the fragility that emerges from the lack of synergy in intra-firm as well as interfirm relations and in the relations between firms and other agents of the arrangement. Consequently, the local productive arrangement is characterized by an inconsistent governing structure, which is due to the weak integration between the arrangement components and to the overall low level collective efficiency. However, some stimulating aspects can be pointed out, such as the interest and initiatives taken by firms belonging to ASAMODA, whose strategic vision can lever up the competitiveness of the local industry to national and international levels and a high level of technical knowledge.
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