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A suggested methodology for measuring software activities undertaken by firms outside of the software industry
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Software and Related Services Activities
Software Transversality
Software Pervasive
Methodological Propositions

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DIEGUES, Antonio Carlos; ROSELINO, José Eduardo. A suggested methodology for measuring software activities undertaken by firms outside of the software industry. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 10, n. 2, p. 371–406, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v10i2.8649020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This paper aims to propose a methodology that measures the secondary dimension of software and related services activities. The concept of secondary dimension used in this paper refers to the activities of software and related services performed outside the software industry, ie, the activities of development, production, marketing and support of software and related services that are not made by companies classified as belonging to the sector of software. As a result of this methodology, the paper shows that the activities of software and related services in Brazil in 2005 presented a net operating revenue of approximately R$ 61.12 billion, of which R$ 30.48 billion were generated in the primary dimension and R$ 30.64 billion in the secondary dimension. It also showed that the secondary dimension mostly relies in largesized enterprises (mainly those with 1.000 or more employees) and in the sectors of public administration (23.9% of total), business services (17%), retail (11.1%), post and telecommunications (7.3%), financial intermediation (4.7%) and wholesale trade (3.4%).
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