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The Sectorial Fund CT-Petro and the Scientific and Technological Capacity Building in Oil and Gas Sector: The Case of the Asphalt and Catalysis North/Northeast Networks
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Innovation Systems
Scientific and Technological Capabilities

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FARIA, Luciana de Oliveira; RIBEIRO, Maria Teresa Franco. The Sectorial Fund CT-Petro and the Scientific and Technological Capacity Building in Oil and Gas Sector: The Case of the Asphalt and Catalysis North/Northeast Networks. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 1, p. 69–104, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v11i1.8649027. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


This paper presents the results of research on investment from the Bid CT-Petro/CNPq- Finep03/2001 whose aim was to foster the establishment and consolidation of Cooperative Research Networks, Innovation and Technology Transfer in the North / Northeast Brazil by supporting the projects of scientific research and technological development. Of the 13 selected networks, we chose a multiple case study of two: one coordinated by a national university, focused on a product network (Asphalt) and another for the only private university participant, focusing on a process network (Catalysis). The analysis draws upon the concepts of scientific and technological capabilities and competencies, routines, learning, knowledge and networks of Innovation Systems approach. As a result, it was noted that despite the difficulties and still unfinished process management, Networks N / NE enabled the selection and dissemination of technologies and, in some cases, innovation, with significant results for the region.
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