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High-tech industry: a taxonomy based on R&D intensity and trade performance
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High Technology
Product fragmentation
Foreign Trade

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RAUEN, André Tortato; FURTADO, André Tosi. High-tech industry: a taxonomy based on R&D intensity and trade performance. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 2, p. 405–432, 2014. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v13i2.8649084. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


This paper aims to build and discuss a typology of national high tech industries according to technology intensity and international trade. To fundament the analyze it was used the production fragmentation concept. It was made a matrix of countries according to their position in the two selected indicators. As a result it was found four types of countries: (i) surplus technology leaders; (ii) deficit technology leaders; (iii) surplus technology followers and (iv) deficit technology followers. The paper concludes that the traditional theories about international commerce cannot explain the matrix as a whole. To do so, it is necessary to use the production fragmentation concept that is a new concept in the global value chain theory.
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