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Global innovation networks and university-firm interactions: an exploratory survey analysis


Global innovation networks. National systems of innovation. University-firm interaction. INGINEUS survey.

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BRITTO, Gustavo; SANTOS, Ulisses Pereira dos; KRUSS, Glenda; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo. Global innovation networks and university-firm interactions: an exploratory survey analysis. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 1, p. 163–192, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v14i1.8649093. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.


The literature on Global Innovation Networks has contributed to identify changes in the innovation activities of multinational corporations. Although university-firm interactions are seen as an important factor for the emergence of GINs, their role has received limited attention. This paper aims to fill this gap in two ways. First, it carries out an exploratory analysis of an original survey dataset, of firms in three industrial sectors from nine developed and developing countries. Second, the paper analyses whether the role of universities in global innovation networks is related to national systems of innovation with varying degrees of maturity. Multiple correspondence analysis and a Probit model are used to establish the relevance of key factors in driving GINs. The results identify distinctive profiles constructed mainly according to firm characteristics, but reflecting country specific patterns of association. The Probit model confirms that internationalization processes and the existence of local interactions substantially increase the probability of interactions with international institutions.


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