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Agronomic coffee manual
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Agronomic manual

How to Cite

RESENDE, Sheila Maria. Agronomic coffee manual: peasants, land, contradiction, and erasure. RUA, Campinas, SP, v. 27, n. 1, p. 79–96, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rua.v27iI.8665449. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


This study presents a linguistic-discursive analysis of the “Manual de Implementação dos Itens Fundamentais do Currículo de Sustentabilidade do Café (CSC)”. It is an agronomic manual signed by the Global Coffee Platform, an international association that deals with the coffee production chain. Our objective is to carry out an investigation concerning the distance between the Manual, injunctive text of coffee growing practices, and the paysan, frequently declared target of this type of material. The areas of research that support this work are: the History of Linguistic Ideas in articulation with Materialistic Discourse Analysis, with the following categories: reader-effect (HORTA NUNES, 2008b) and form-subject (ORLANDI, 2013). This gesture broadens a reflection on textbooks as technological instruments, which were conceived through the effect of writing as a unique and exclusive form of the materialization of knowledge. The result of the analysis allows us to observe the Manual constitutive contradiction. On and under an institutional movement to erase the relationship between peasants and land, the agronomic manual is designed (contradictorily) for these subjects, which are historically excluded from the access to this technology and from the legitimate knowledge it brings.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sheila Maria Resende


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