Religious tourism in Brazil and the case of the revitalization of Morro do Cruzeiro in Murici - AL
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Religious tourism
Morro do Cruzeiro
Murici - AL

How to Cite

Gomes, W. (2017). Religious tourism in Brazil and the case of the revitalization of Morro do Cruzeiro in Murici - AL. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 19(27), 115–131.


Taking advantage of the growing flow of tourists in search of religious tourism, the Brazilian government has invested in decentralized policies to intervene in destinations. Following the new recommendations, guided by the National Plan of Tourism, the state of Alagoas seeks to introduce the Program of Municipalization and Regionalization of Tourism for the organization, revitalization and dynamization of destinations located in the interiors, exploring historical and cultural elements of its people to prolong the tourist stay and uncover the capital Maceió. In this sense, the city of Murici, interior of the state, is located, which sees the first steps towards the revitalization of its most traditional religious event: the ascent of the Morro do Cruzeiro in the holy week, attracting a multitude of faithful. This work aims to highlight the broad context of religious tourism in Brazil, as well as the proposed structural transformation of the Morro do Cruzeiro, reflecting on its implications in the heart of the Murici community and identifying how the municipality is inserted in the recent tourist orientation of the state.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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