Music, corporeality and diasporic recreation in candomblé in Germany
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Afro-Brazilian Religions

How to Cite

Bahia, J., & Vieira, C. M. (2018). Music, corporeality and diasporic recreation in candomblé in Germany. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 20(28), 82–98.


This article analyzes how and why body and dance play a central role in transnationalization of Candomblé between afrodescendants and, increasingly, between Europeans in Germany. Examine how an Afro-Brazilian artist and father of saint in Berlin disseminated religious practices and worldviews through transnational Afro-Brazilian dance and music, such as music and dance workshops and other events held in the city. This is an example of how an afro-Brazilian religion has become a central element, recreating an idea of "Africa" in Europe, which is part of a long history of movement of black and Candomblé artists between Germany, Brazil and Cuba, resulting in the creation of transnational artistic-religious relations. It shows how the body, through music, dance and art in general, plays an important role in the development of an Afro-cultural heritage.
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