Introduction to Pentecostals achievements
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How to Cite

Alves, D., & Costa, F. (2018). Introduction to Pentecostals achievements: structural analysis of an autobiographical narrative. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 20(29), 232–243.


From the book Good Morning Holy Spirit, written by evangelical leader Benny Hinn, in this article we construct a structural reading of his autobiography, starting from his heroic narrative from the conflicts that opposed his ancestry as a religious leader. Inspired by the structuralist methodology of interpretation of myths as developed by Lévi-Strauss, we outline the conflicts inherent in the narrative and its solutions. The ruptures with the world anticipate personal deepening of the Spirit, while the spiritual visions anticipate family conflicts in the world.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Daniel Alves, Fábio Costa


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