The enchantment of archaeological sites and the quest for personal transformation


Personal transformation

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Dansac, Y. (2021). The enchantment of archaeological sites and the quest for personal transformation. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión, 23(00), e021012.


Ethnographical studies increasingly testify the conversion of archaeological sites into places used for a myriad of spiritual purposes associated to the culture of personal transformation. Analyzing data gathered at contemporary spiritual practices held in Carnac, a megalithic site located in northwest France, this article argues that the resignification of ancient places as ‘sacred’ and ‘energetic’ is a strategy to develop and enact inner search and work on the self. Collected data provides understanding on the actor’s conceptualizations and uses given to this place, while also suggesting further inquiries to assess the relations between spirituality, personal transformation and the enchantment of archaeological sites.


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