The role of the imaginary in Brazilian Christian Zionism
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Kingdom of God
Christian Zionism

How to Cite

Reinke, A. D. (2023). The role of the imaginary in Brazilian Christian Zionism. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión Ciências Sociais E Religião, 25(00), e023024.


This text presents a hermeneutic reflection regarding Brazilian Protestantism, seeking to understand how the imaginary about the Kingdom of God operates as a fundamental motivation for engaging in Christian Zionism. For this purpose, the concepts of narrative identity by Paul Ricoeur were operationalized and some reflections of biblical theology on the symbolism of the Kingdom of God in the Christian interpretation were reviewed. The reflection has three parts: the first deals with the symbolic universe that operates in the biblical texts about the coming of the Kingdom of God both in the Hebrew Bible and in the New Testament; the second demonstrates how Christian Zionisms in Brazil differ from each other based on their emphasis on waiting for or fulfillment of the Kingdom of God; and the third deals with how Christian Zionisms intertwine narratives of the State of Israel with those of their own eschatological hope, producing an imaginary that is sometimes disconnected from reality.
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