Body, sexuality and sex for Osho’s sannyasins
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Sexuality and sex
New age

How to Cite

Furtado, K. K. (2023). Body, sexuality and sex for Osho’s sannyasins. Ciencias Sociales Y Religión Ciências Sociais E Religião, 25(00), e023012.

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The present work constitutes part of the research results that investigate how Brazilian sannyasins of the Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the Osho, appropriate the references of his legacy that guide the religiousness. Through documental research in the OSHO Online Library and bibliographic research, the article deals of the figure of Rajneesh/Osho and his definition of neossannyasin. Then, in the apprehension of in-depth interviews, discusses sannyasins’ understanding of the body; the way they relate materialism and spiritualism; how they understand the sexuality, the sex and the designation of Osho as “sex guru”; and the spiritual meanings that they identify in sexuality and sex. The demands, motivations and uses that sannyasins make of the religiousness promoted by Osho express the individualizing, reflexivist tendencies and the prioritization of experience to the ideas characteristic of groups used to the new age movement.
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