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SALANOVA, Andrés Pablo; EPPS, Patience. A linguística amazônica hoje. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 1, p. 7–37, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/liames.v0i12.1481. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 fev. 2025.


O presente artigo apresenta uma síntese das áreas de pesquisa mais ativas da linguística amazônica nos últimos dez anos. Abordam-se temas tais como os classificadores nominais, os sistemas de numeração, o tempo verbal e nominal, a evidencialidade, os diferentes sistemas de alinhamento sintático, problemas ligados à ordem de constituintes, as diversas formas da subordinação, as relações entre gramática, discurso e cultura, e a história e a classificação das línguas amazônicas. O artigo não privilegia nenhuma abordagem teórica em particular, mas procura pôr em relevo as linhas de pesquisa que interagem com disciplinas conexas, tais como a antropologia e a arqueologia, ou que exercem influência sobre a teoria linguística de um modo global. O artigo conclui com uma breve avaliação da situação atual das línguas indígenas faladas na Amazônia e do estado atual da linguística amazônica.


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AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (1999a). The Arawak language family. In R. M. W. Dixon; Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.). The Amazonian languages, pp. 65-106. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (1999b). Areal diffusion and language contact in the Içana-Vaupés basin, north-west Amazonia. In R. M. W. Dixon; Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.). The Amazonian languages, pp. 385-416.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2000). Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2002). Language Contact in Amazonia. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2003). A Grammar of Tariana. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2004). Evidentiality. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2007). Classifiers in multiple environments: Baniwa of Içana/Kurripako – a North Arawak perspective. International Journal of American Linguistics 73(4): 475-500.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra (2012). The languages of the Amazon. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

AIKHENVALD, Alexandra; DIXON, R. M. W. (1999). Other small families and isolates. In R. M. W. Dixon; Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.). The Amazonian languages, pp. 341-384.

ALVES, Flávia de Castro (2010). Evolution of alignment in Timbira. International Journal of American Linguistics 76(4): 439-475.

ANDERSEN, Henning (2005). The plasticity of universal grammar. In Willy Østreng (ed.). Convergence. Interdisciplinary Communications 2004/2005, 216. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters.

BAKER, Mark; TRAVIS, Lisa (1997). Mood as verbal definiteness in a “tenseless” language. Natural Language Semantics 5(3): 213-269.

BALÉE, William (1999). Modes of production and ethnobotanical vocabulary: a controlled comparison of Guajá and Ka’apor. In Ted L. Gragson; Ben G. Blount (eds.). Ethnoecology: Knowledge, Resources, and Rights, pp. 24-40. London: University of Georgia Press.

BARNES, Janet (1984). Evidentials in the Tuyuca verb. International Journal of American Linguistics 50(3): 255-71.

BARNES, Janet (1999). Tucano. In R. M. W. Dixon, Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald (eds.). The Amazonian languages, pp. 207-226.

BEIER, Christine; MICHAEL, Lev; SHERZER, Joel (2002). Discourse forms and processes in indigenous lowland South America: an areal-typological perspective. Annual Review of Anthropology 31:121-145.

BOLAÑOS, Katherine; EPPS, Patience (2009). Linguistic classification of Kakua, a language of northwest Amazonia. Trabalho apresentado no CILLA IV, University of Texas at Austin.

BRIGGS, Charles L. (1996). The meaning of nonsense, the poetics of embodiment, and the production of power in Warao healing. In Carol Laderman; Marina Roseman (eds.). The Performance of Healing, pp. 185-232. New York: Routledge.

BYBEE, Joan (2000). Lexicalization of sound change and alternating environments. In Michael D. Broe; Janet B. Pierrehumbert (eds.). Papers in Laboratory Phonology V. Acquisition and the Lexicon, pp. 250-268. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

CABRAL, Ana Suelly; RODRIGUES, Aryon (eds.) (2002). Atas do I Encontro internacional do grupo de trabalho sobre línguas indígenas da ANPOLL. Belém: Editora da Universidade Federal do Pará.

CABRAL, Ana Suelly (eds.) (2007). Línguas e culturas Tupi. Campinas: Editora Curt Nimuendajú.

CAMPBELL, Lyle (1997). American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

CAMPBELL, Lyle (2004). Historical Linguistics: An Introduction (2nd edition). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

CAMPBELL, Lyle (2012). Typological characteristics of South American indigenous languages. In Lyle Campbell; Verónica Grondona (eds.). The indigenous languages of the South America: a comprehensive guide, vol. 2, pp. 259-330. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

CAMPBELL, Lyle; POSER, William J. (2008). Language Classification: History and Method. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

CAROL, Javier (2011). Lengua chorote (mataguayo): estudio descriptivo. Tese de Doutorado. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires.

CAROL, Javier; SALANOVA, Andrés Pablo (2012). On pseudo-applicatives. Cahiers Linguistiques d’Ottawa 37.

CAROL, Javier; (em preparação). Person hierarchies trigger syntactic inversion. Comunicação apresentada no 54º Congresso Internacional de Americanistas. Viena. A aparecer em número especial de Anthropological Linguistics.

CERVANTES GAMBOA, Laura (2003). Sounds like music: ritual speech events among the Bribri Indians of Costa Rica. Tese de doutorado. Texas: University of Texas at Austin.

CHAUMEIL, Jean-Pierre (1993). Des esprits aux ancêtres: procédés linguistiques, conceptions du langage et de la société chez les Yagua de l’Amazonie péruvienne. L’homme 126-128: 409-427.

CLEMENT, C. R.; BERNAL, R.; Montes Rodrigues, M. E.; Marmolejo, D. (2005). Origin and diffusion of Neotropical crops: interactions among linguistics, ethnobotany, archaeology and genetics. International Symposium on Historical Linguistics in South America, Univ. Fed. Pará e Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Livro de Resumos, pp. 63-64.

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COMRIE, Bernard (2005a) Endangered numeral systems. In Jan Wohlgemuth; Tyko Dirksmeyer (ed.). Bedrohte Vielfalt: Aspekte des Sprach(en)tods, pp. 203-230. Berlin: Weissensee Verlag.

COMRIE, Bernard (2005b). Alignment of case marking of full noun phrases. In Martin Haspelmath; Matthew S. Dryer; David Gil; Bernard Comrie (eds.). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, capítulo 98. Disponível em

COMRIE, Bernard (2005c). Alignment of case marking of pronouns. In Martin Haspelmath; Matthew S. Dryer; David Gil; Bernard Comrie (eds.). The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, capítulo 99. Disponível em

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CORBERA MORI, Ángel H. (2010). Lenguas del Brasil: algunos aspectos morfosintácticos. In Marisa Censabella; Raúl González (compiladores). II Encuentro de Lenguas Indígenas Americanas/II Simposio Internacional de Lingüística Amerindia (ALFAL), pp. 1-20. Buenos Aires: CONICET.

CREVELS, Mily (2006). Verbal number in Itonama. In Grazyna J. Rowicka; Eithne B. Carlin (eds.). What’s in verb? Studies in the verbal morphology of the languages of the Americas, pp. 159-170. Utrecht, The Netherlands: LOT Publications.

CREVELS, Mily; KERKE, Simon van de; MEIRA, Sérgio; VOORT, Hein van der (eds.). 2002. Current studies on South American languages. Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), Leiden University.

CREVELS, Mily Muysken (ed.). From Linguistic Areas to Areal Linguistics, pp. 151-179. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

D’Angelis, Wilmar da Rocha (2004). Concordância verbal de número em Kaingáng: algumas pistas. LIAMES 4:71-81.

DAHL, Östen (2006). The distribution of language isolates and possible initial immigration pathways in South America. Stockholm University. Ms.

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DUARTE, Fábio Bonfim (ed.). 2007. Cisão de caso, telicidade e posse em línguas indígenas brasileiras. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG.

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DU BOIS, John W. (1987). The discourse basis of ergativity. Language 63(4): 805-855.

EPPS, Patience (2005). Areal diffusion and the development of evidentiality: Evidence from Hup. Studies in Language 29(3): 617-650.

EPPS, Patience (2006). Growing a numeral system: The historical development of numerals in an Amazonian language family. Diachronica 23(2): 259-288.

EPPS, Patience (2007a). Birth of a noun classification system: the case of Hup. In Leo Wetzels (ed.). Language Endangerment and Endangered Languages: Linguistic and Anthropological Studies with Special Emphasis on the Languages and Cultures of the Andean-Amazonian Border Area, pp. 107-128. Leiden: The Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS).

EPPS, Patience (2007b). The Vaupés melting pot: Tukanoan influence on Hup. In Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald; R. M. W. Dixon (eds.). Grammars in Contact: A Cross-linguistic Typology, pp. 267-289. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

EPPS, Patience (2008a). A Grammar of Hup. (Mouton Grammar Library 43.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

EPPS, Patience (2008b). Grammatical borrowing in Hup. In Yaron Matras; Jeanette Sakel (eds.). Grammatical Borrowing: A Cross-linguistic Survey, pp. 551-556. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

EPPS, Patience (2009). Language classification, language contact, and Amazonian prehistory. Language and Linguistics Compass 3(2):581-606.

EPPS, Patience (No prelo). Language and subsistence patterns in the Amazonian Vaupés. In Tom Güldemann; Richard Rhodes; Patrick McConvell (eds.). The Languages of Hunter-gatherers: Global and Historical Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

EPPS, Patience; BOWERN, Claire; HANSEN, Cynthia; HILL, Jane; ZENTZ, Jason (2012). On numeral complexity in hunter-gatherer languages. Linguistic Typology 16(1): 41-109.

EPPS, Patience; HANSEN, Cynthia (em preparação). Amazonian numeral systems: Language contact, language change, and socio-economic parameters. [Apresentado no Workshop on Dynamics of Hunter-Gatherer Language Change University of Texas at Austin].

EVANS, Nicholas (2003). Context, culture, and structuration in the languages of Australia. Annual Review of Anthropology 32: 13-40.

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EVERETT, Caleb (2010). A Survey of Contemporary Research on Amazonian Languages. Language and Linguistics Compass 4(5): 319–336.

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