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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

LIAMES is an annual publication, edited by the Anthropological Linguistics (Indigenous Languages) study group / Center for the Study of Native American Languages and Cultures (CELCAM) of IEL-UNICAMP. Its principle objective is to provide researchers in the field with a vehicle for the publication of research articles, analytical studies, reviews, and other scholarly writings related to the documentation of Native American languages. The pages of the journal are open to diverse theoretical viewpoints. It is hoped that the journal will make research on Native American languages available to the interested public, promote dialogue among different theoretical perspectives, and stimulate an exchange of ideas among researchers in the field.

In accord with the editorial policy of the journal, submissions will be accepted not only in Portuguese, but in also Spanish and English, and eventually in French and Italian. Two abstracts are required with each submission, one in Portuguese or Spanish and the other in English. They should be no more than ten lines in length and include five key words.

Peer Review Process

Submissions for publication will be anonymously evaluated by two reviewers (Double Blind Peer Review), these being either member of the journal’s editorial board or outside reviewers. In case of disagreements regarding the evaluation of an article, the article will be evaluated by a third reviewer. Only articles approved by the reviewers and by the editorial board will be published, assuming that suggested changes, if any, have been attended to by the author.

Publication Frequency

LIAMES is biannual online Journal; two regular numbers began to be published since the year 2015: One in July and the second in December.