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The phonetics of consonant clusters in Mebêngôkre Xikrín (Jê)
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Jê languages
Acoustic phonetics

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ZAVODNY, Diana Jacarandá Pantoja; CARVALHO, Fernando O. de. The phonetics of consonant clusters in Mebêngôkre Xikrín (Jê): instrumental evidence. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. e022011, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/liames.v22i00.8668999. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The goal of this paper is to report a set of findings on the phonetics of consonant cluster resolution in Mebêngôkre, a northern Jê language. After describing a few properties of the implementation of consonantal segments in both pre-vocalic and pre-pausal environments, we present a discussion of modifications to which morpheme-final consonants are subject, both in sequences of oral stops (C1 + C2), and in cases where a sonorant consonant occurs in position C2. The instrumental evidence discussed offers additional support for claims found in the existing literature on Mebêngôkre phonetics, such as the regressive voicing of oral stops followed by heteromorphemic nasal stops, the support vowels involved in the realization of the tap, and the presence of pre-nasalization in the realization of initial voiced stops. New findings are also reported, such as the presence of surface geminate stops in homorganic clusters, and some evidence suggesting that, at least in the Xikrin variety of Mebêngôkre, final stops would be undergoing a process of merger or neutralization in certain contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Diana Jacarandá Pantoja Zavodny, Fernando O. de Carvalho


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