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Ethnosyntactic impacts on data from Mehinaku (Arawak)
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Linguistic Anthropology
Mehinaku Language
Upper Xingu

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GRUBER, Gabriel Diniz. Ethnosyntactic impacts on data from Mehinaku (Arawak): perspectives between anthropology, linguistics and iconography. LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 00, p. e024008, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/liames.v24i00.8675667. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This article initially proposes to preliminarily investigate the origin and some of the consequences of the application of the ethnosyntax to the linguistic data of Mehinaku language. Starting from the work of Whorf (1979) on Nootka language, the formulation of the principle of linguistic relativity, the revisionism of his literature by anthropologist Schultz (1990), its importance for the implementation of ethnosyntax, and its use in the study of Brazilian indigenous languages. In another stage, we seek to understand how such an ethnographic understanding of grammar would affect some of the data already analyzed from the Mehinaku language, from the Arawak matrix. After a brief overview of the context of the Arawakan languages, and the anthropological scenario of the Alto Xingu region, a dialogism of linguistic data from Awetí (2014), Corbera Mori (2017) and Felipe (2020) is proposed, with anthropological records and iconography of Mehinaku material culture coming from Gregor (1982), Malhano (1993) and Fénelon Costa (1988, 2014). Therefore, it addresses how ethnosyntax would affect the understanding of: nominal classifier suffixes, the semantic field of the term tɨpa/tɨpe, and the human and non-human body lexicon related to traditional Altoxinguan housing.
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