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Perfect aspect
Resultative perfect
Existential perfect
VP-adverb ordering
Brazilian Portuguese

How to Cite

SANT’ANNA, Amanda Alevato de; MARTINS, Adriana Leitão; GOMES, Jean Carlos da Silva. Result and experience: aspectual readings from the VP-“já” adverb ordering in Brazilian Portuguese. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 50, p. 59–80, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v25i50.8671076. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


Perfect refers to an interval which relates two points in time, and can be divided in universal, resultative (ResP) and experiential (ExP) (PANCHEVA, 2003). According to Nespoli (2018), there are specific adverbs/adverbials that convey perfect, being “já” (‘already’) an adverb that can convey ResP and ExP. This paper aimed to verify the readings of perfect associated to the present – ResP or ExP – that emerge through the ordering of verbs in relation to “já” in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Methodologically, a reading test was applied. The results indicated that verb + “já” and “já” + verb orderings license resultative and experiential readings. Thus, verb-adverb ordering in BP was not a relevant factor in determining ResP and ExP values. We discussed the role of the determinant which introduces the DP verb complement in the entailment of these values, being sentences with definite determinants interpreted mainly as conveying ResP and, with indefinite determinants, ExP.
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