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Reproductive-productive work
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Professional career

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PEREIRA, Lidia Noronha. Reproductive-productive work: a discursive approach on motherhood and work through the advertising campaign #meufilhonocurriculo. Línguas e Instrumentos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 26, n. 52, p. 3–22, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/lil.v26i52.8673070. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


Situated under the theoretical domains of Discourse Analysis  French and Brazilian lines, this article seeks to discuss the (de)construction of what has already been said about motherhood and professional career in the Brazilian scenario of the 21st century. More specifically, the objective is to observe the effects of meanings in functioning regarding motherhood in the labor market from the analysis clipping, constituted by the digital advertising material of the company Filhos no Currículo. For this purpose, the bibliographical reference is based on the studies of M. Pêcheux (1983; 1997) and Orlandi (2010) and, since Discourse Analysis is a theoretical field of intermeshing, this study is also based on the domains of materialism with Engels (2019) and Federici (2021). The analyzes point to possible effects of meanings that, paradoxically, seek to build new meanings for motherhood in the professional workspace, while reaffirming the exploitation of domestic work.
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