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Call of papers - Dossiers: Epistemologies of heritage and the spheres of protection

Call of papers - Dossiers: Epistemologies of heritage and the spheres of protection

Cultural heritage and cultural assets are broad and dynamic concepts that encompass different forms of expression, meaning, actors, valorization and protection of culture. In the context of new debates, such as climate crises, armed conflicts and conceptions of originality, there is an urgent need for a debate on the epistemologies of heritage, in other words, what is the nature, the knowledge, the relationship between object and subject that heritage demands of us.

Furthermore, from the point of view of legal effects, a cultural asset becomes heritage once it has been recognised by the federal entity competent to do so (although, materially, it is the community that legitimizes recognition).

Given this, can we identify (in)coherences between "official" recognitions and demands for heritage? On the other hand, how can the spheres of protection be made closer to legitimizing the heritage claimed by social groups?

Therefore, in this dossier, we intend to bring together contributions that reflect on the diversity and complexity of the debates involving cultural heritage and cultural assets safeguarded [or not] at the different levels: municipal, state and federal. In the light of the disputes that are inherent to heritage itself.

Therefore, Revista Arqueologia Pública invites you to submit your articles, reviews and interviews for this 2024 edition, from 01 March to 01 August 2024.

We emphasize that the journal uses a double-blind peer review system, with publications in a continuous flow and at no cost to the authors.

We look forward to your collaboration.