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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The file for submission must be in Word and in PDF formats WITHOUT the identification of the authors;
  • Title page: in the submission of the article, the authors must send, via online system, a separate page of the article containing: 1) title in the original language of the article and title in English for articles in Portuguese and Spanish; 2) full name of each author; 3) affiliation of each author (with university, city, state (if any), and country); 4) e-mail address of each author; 5) indication of who the corresponding author is; 6) the ORCID identifier of each author; 7) contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include: contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRdiT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include: A. theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references; 8) Indication of conflict of interest (if there is no conflict, please declare “there is no conflict of interest”); 9) source of funding (if there is no financing source, please declare “there is no source of funding”); 10) acknowledgments (if any).
  • The text must follow the standards of style and bibliographical requirements described in RBI’s guidelines for authors;
  • Abbreviated citations in the body of the text and in footnotes (author, year of publication and, when applicable, pages) should be complete in the bibliographical references at the end of the text;
  • Once prepared, submissions must be sent to RBI electronic system accessible at this link:
  • The work must be aligned with the thematic areas and the scope of the journal;
  • Authors must ensure the originality and the uniqueness of the work, that is, it cannot have been published previously and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal;

Author Guidelines

Scope and Policy

1. Focus and scope

The Brazilian Journal of Innovation (RBI) is a multi-disciplinary journal focused on innovation studies. It aims to stimulate the academic debate on innovation and scientific and technological advances, and their economic, social, organizational and environmental impacts, thus contributing to the dissemination of knew academic knowledge, to policymaking, and to the management of private organizations. It welcomes submissions of original papers – of theoretical or applied nature – resulting from high impact scientific research in the field of science, technology and innovation. It concentrates in the knowledge areas of Economics, Administration, Production Engineering and History in their respective subareas of Industrial Economics, Business Administration, Economics of Technology, and History of Science, and specifically in the themes listed in item 8 below – RBI themes.     

2. Mission

The Brazilian Journal of Innovation is a scientific journal devoted to the publication of original articles resulting from high impact scientific research in the field of innovation studies, comprising their economic, social, environmental and management dimensions, thus contributing to the academic debate on public policies.

3. Periodicity

Following the international trends in scientific journals publication, RBI is an electronic rolling pass publication, which means that approved articles are promptly edited and published.

4. Free-access policy

RBI offers free access to its content in PDF (Portable Document Format), following the principle by which providing free scientific knowledge to the public leads to a greater global democratization of knowledge. RBI articles are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license.

5. Archiving

The journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed across participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.

6. Fees for submission and publishing of texts

The Brazilian Journal of Innovation (RBI) does not charge any fees for published texts, nor for those submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download. Publishing is completely free. RBI articles are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY license.

7. Digital Object Identifier System - DOI

The RBI uses DOI in all publications.

8. RBI themes

RBI focuses on the following specific themes:

  • Economics of innovation
  • Economics of science and technology
  • Industrial dynamics and production systems
  • Economics of knowledge – creation, diffusion, utilization
  • Learning and innovation processes
  • Technology transfer
  • Science, technology and innovation policies
  • Science, technology, innovation, and R&D indicators
  • Innovation and sustainability
  • Competence and qualifications of enterprises
  • Strategies and management of innovation and technology
  • Strategies and management of R&D
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Process and product development strategies
  • Technical and organizational changes
  • Innovation systems – national, regional, sectoral, technological
  • Innovation networks – R&D alliances, university-industry interactions, chains
  • Geography of innovation
  • Economic development and innovation
  • Innovation experiences in developing countries
  • Productivity studies (multisectoral and comparisons between countries)
  • Technical change modeling
  • Competitive dynamics and structural change
  • Sociology of science and innovation
  • History of science and technology

Form and preparation of manuscripts

RBI accepts submissions of unpublished research papers, review articles and book reviews, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. For articles in English both British and American spellings are accepted, as long as the author chooses one and maintains consistency throughout the text.

The recommended length for research and review articles is 8,000 words, and 1,000 for book reviews. Manuscripts that have been submitted for publication or have already been published in another journal will not be accepted.

All submissions to RBI must be carried out via the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER), which is hosted at UNICAMP’s Web Portal of Electronic Scientific Journals (PPEC/Unicamp). Papers submitted by other means will not be accepted.

In cases in which the work has been written by more than one author, it is understood that the ordering of the authors’ names is in accordance with their contribution.

The submission of original manuscripts to the journal implies the authorization of the author(s) for publication, without payment of copyright and/or publication royalties. The inclusion of authors will not be accepted after the submission, so it is important that the authors correctly fill and check the metadata of their submission when the manuscript is sent to RBI.

Preparation of manuscripts:

Works submitted to RBI must be drafted according to the following guidelines. Articles that do not conform to the rules will be returned to the authors for adjustments before they are submitted to peer review.

Authors must ensure the originality and the uniqueness of the article, that is, the work cannot have been published previously and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal. It is important to point out that RBI does not consider that the publication of articles in events or “working papers” remove the originality of the work submitted. Aware of Open Science principles updating, RBI considers that articles published in preprint repositories keep their originality and thus can be submitted.

Articles must be submitted WITHOUT any identification of authorship. For such, it is necessary that the authors, at the time of submission, correctly fill out the information in their User Profile and also the information in Step 3 (Submission Data) in the system (by providing full name, e-mail, institution/affiliation, country and biographical summary for each author) and withdraw from the article excerpts and information that facilitates the identification of authorship. Among the items that must be withdrawn are acknowledgements, references to research projects and self-citations. This information should be made available on the title page that the author must submit during submission as a supplementary document, separate from the article. This information may be included in the article after its approval, when applicable.   

Title page: in the submission of the article, the authors must send, via online system, a separate page of the article containing: 1) title in the original language of the article and title in English for articles in Portuguese or Spanish; 2) full name of each author; 3) affiliation of each author (with university, city, state – if any –, and country); 4) e-mail address of each author; 5) indication of who the corresponding author is; 6) the ORCID identifier of each author; 7) contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include:   A. theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references; 8) Indication of conflict of interest (if there is no conflict, please declare “there is no conflict of interest”); 9) source of funding (if there is no financing source, please declare “there is no source of funding”); 10) acknowledgments (if any).   

Word file (.doc or .docx extensions), font: Times New Roman 12; page setup: A4; right, top and bottom margins: 2.5cm; left margin: 3cm; line spacing: 1.5; 1.25 indentation in the first line; text alignment: justified; page numbering in the top right corner.

Explanatory footnotes must be in Times New Roman 10 and listed in Arabic numerals.

Abbreviated citations in the body of the text and in footnotes (author, year of publication and, when applicable, page) should be complete in the bibliographical references at the end of the text.

Tables, charts and graphs (in editable format, that is, elaborated from the text editor itself) must be enumerated and inserted in their respective spaces and with their respective sources.

Figures other than charts and graphs (in JPEG format – from 300 dpi upward) must be included in the Word file and sent separately (appended during the submission of the article as supplemental document).  Tables, charts, graphs and other figures can be sent in color.

Formulas and mathematical equations must be presented in the normal sequence of the text. In the paragraph, they must be centered and identified by consecutive Arabic numerals enclosed in parentheses at the far right of the line, as follows:

Var [ε1 | x1, x2] = Var [ε2 | x1, x2] = 1     (1)

Foreign words must be written in italics. Foreign proper nouns should not be in italics.

Links to electronic addresses must be active. The file for submission must be in Word and in PDF formats WITHOUT authors’ identification in any of the versions.

References and citations:

References must be quoted alphabetically, without numbering, with single spacing with 6pt before and 0pt after paragraphs. If there is more than one work of the same author, citations must respect the chronological order of publication; if there is more than one work of the same author published in the same year, they must be differentiated by adding a, b, c… to the year. The bibliographical references should include only the works used for the elaboration of the manuscript.


1) Books:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Book title (in italics, only the first letter in uppercase): subtitle (no italics). Edition. City of Publication: Publisher, year. v. (Series or Collection).

Ex.: DOSI, G.; PAVITT, K.; SOETE, L. The economics of technical change and international trade. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1990.

2) Book chapters:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Chapter title without highlighting. In: followed by the references of the book: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Book title (in italics, only the first letter in uppercase): subtitle (no italics). Edition. City of Publication: Publisher, year, page numbers or v. (Series or Collection).

Ex.: EDQUIST, C. Systems of innovation approaches: their emergence and characteristics. In: EDQUIST, C. Systems of innovation: technologies, institutions and organizations. London and Washington: Pinter/Cassell Academic, 1997.

3) Works published in conference proceedings or similar:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Title: subtitle. In: Name of the event (in italics), number, year, place. Publication title (in italics): subtitle (no italics). City of Publication: Publisher, year, page numbers.

Ex.: POSSAS, M. L. Racionalidade e Regularidades: rumo a uma integração micro-macrodinâmica. In: XVII Encontro Nacional de Economia, 1989, Fortaleza, CE. Anais... Fortaleza/CE: ANPEC, 1989, p. 62-82.

4) Pieces of periodic publications

4.1) Journal publications:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Title (no highlight). Journal name (in italics), City of publication, volume and number, pages, year.

Ex.: METCALFE, J. S. Equilibrium and Evolutionary Foundations of Competition and Technology Policy: New Perspectives on the Division of Labour and the Innovation Process. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, v.2, n.1, p.111-146, 2009.

4.2) Newspaper articles:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Article title. Newspaper title. Number or title of the section or supplement, City of Publication, page numbers, day/month/year.

Ex: GADELHA, C.; MUDEL, T. Inovação Brasileira, impacto global. Folha de S. Paulo, 12/11/2013.

5) Monographs, dissertations and theses:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Title (in italics): subtitle, year, number of pages or volumes. (Category and area of concentration) Name of Faculty, Name of University, City.

Ex.: RUFFONI, J. Proximidade geográfica e inovação tecnológica de firmas: uma análise para o segmento produtor de máquinas para calçados da Itália e do Brasil, 2010, 251 p. (PhD thesis in Science and Technology Policy) University of Campinas, Campinas.

6) Online publications:

AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s first name. Article title. Name of journal. City, volume, number of issue, number of pages, year. ISSN.  Available at: <electronic address>. Accessed on: day/month/year. DOI (when applicable).

Ex.: TIGRE, Paulo Bastos. Paradigmas Tecnológicos e Teorias Econômicas da Firma. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 1, p. 187-223, Aug. 2009. ISSN 2178-2822. Available at: Accessed on: 27 Jul. 2017. DOI:

For other examples, we recommend consulting the ABNT-NBR-6023/2002 guidelines. For users of electronic systems for indexing references (Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero or other), we suggest the use of the style “ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas”.

1.2 Guidelines for submission of manuscripts for sections Articles, Memory and Review Articles

When submitting an article to RBI, authors must make sure that the work is aligned with the thematic areas and the scope of the journal. It is also necessary to check if the text submitted complies to the items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the following guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • Authors must ensure the originality and the uniqueness of the article, that is, the work cannot have been published previously and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal. It is important to point out that it does not follow from this editorial policy that the publication of articles in events or “working papers” remove the originality of the work submitted.
  • Articles must be submitted WITHOUT any identification of authorship. For such, it is necessary that the authors, at the time of submission, correctly fill out the information in their User Profile and also the information in Step 3 (Submission Data) in the system (by providing full name, e-mail, institution/affiliation, country and biographical summary for each author) and withdraw from the article excerpts and information that facilitates the identification of authorship. Among the items that must be withdrawn are acknowledgements, references to research projects and self-citations.  This information should be made available on the title page that the author must submit as a supplementary document, separate from the article. This information may be included in the article after its approval, when applicable.
  • Title page: in the submission of the article, the authors must send, via online system, a separate page of the article containing: 1) title in the original language of the article and title in English for articles in Portuguese or Spanish; 2) full name of each author; 3) affiliation of each author (with university, city, state (if any), and country); 4) e-mail address of each author; 5) indication of who the corresponding author is; 6) the ORCID identifier of each author; 7) contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include:    theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references; 8) Indication of conflict of interest (if there is no conflict, please declare “there is no conflict of interest”); 9) source of funding (if there is no financing source, please declare “there is no source of funding”); 10) acknowledgments (if any).
  • As a form of authorship standardization, we suggest the inclusion of the ORCID identifier for each author in the act of submission. The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at:
  • Articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish must include title, abstract (maximum of 150 words) and keywords (from three to five) in the original language of the article and in English.
  • The articles must be drafted according to the standards requested by the journal’s editors.
  • The manuscripts are recommended to contain around 8,000 words, including abstracts, keywords, tables, bibliographical references and other components of the text.
  • The file for submission must be in Word and in PDF formats WITHOUT the identification of the authors.

1.3 Guidelines for submission of Book Reviews

Reviews of books published in the last three years, related to the topic of innovation studies and aligned with the editorial scope of the journal are accepted. The submission of reviews must be performed via SEER and their approval is made by the editorial team. As an indication, the text should contain around 1,000 words.

A book review is expected to present a critical review of the book, not just a summary. Thus, the review should point out what the main predicates of the book and its most important weaknesses are, in order to stimulate and guide potential readers. For more information on how to write a review, the following texts are recommended:



1.4 Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. As part of the submission process, the authors must mandatorily verify the conformity of the submission in relation to all the items listed below.

  • Authors must ensure the originality and the uniqueness of the work, that is, it cannot have been published previously and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • The file for submission must be in Word and in PDF formats WITHOUT the identification of the authors.
  • The text must follow the standards of style and bibliographical requirements described in RBI’s guidelines for authors;
  • Title page: in the submission of the article, the authors must send, via online system, a separate page of the article containing: 1) title in the original language of the article and title in English for articles in Portuguese and Spanish; 2) full name of each author; 3) affiliation of each author (with university, city, state (if any), and country); 4) e-mail address of each author; 5) indication of who the corresponding author is; 6) the ORCID identifier of each author; 7) contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include:  theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references; 8) Indication of conflict of interest (if there is no conflict, please declare “there is no conflict of interest”); 9) source of funding (if there is no financing source, please declare “there is no source of funding”); 10) acknowledgments (if any).
  • Abbreviated citations in the body of the text and in footnotes (author, year of publication and, when applicable, pages) should be complete in the bibliographical references at the end of the text.
  • The work must be aligned with the thematic areas and the scope of the journal;
  • Insert all authors of the article in the system. It will not be allowed to add authors after submission or during the review or editing process of the article.
  • Once prepared, submissions must be sent to RBI electronic system accessible at this link:

1.5 Declaration of copyright, responsibility, compliance with publication license and with open-access license

The declaration of copyright and publishing rights in RBI is based on DOAJ Seal criteria. When submitting an article to RBI the author retains unrestricted copyright and all publishing rights, although assuring that, when submitting, the article has not been published or submitted to any other journal. Once the article is approved the author continues to retain unrestricted copyright and, at the same time, allows its publication by RBI and also its sharing on condition that its authorship is acknowledge, in accordance to the Creative Commons License CC-BY 4.0. This license states that the article is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction by any means on the condition that the original article is dully cited.

The content of the articles and reviews published in RBI are of absolute and exclusive responsibility of their authors.

The authors must fill out the “Declaration of Responsibility, Compliance with Publication License and with Open-Access License” in the website. The author submitting the article shall fill out this statement on behalf of the other authors. We recommend that all authors read this document.

1.6 Authorship

The Brazilian Journal of Innovation considers as authors those who have actively participated in the discussion of  the results of the article and who have revised and approved its final version. As for authorship, RBI also considers the guidelines of the ICMJE, whose main points are: substantial contributions in the conception or design of the work, effective participation in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the article or in its revision and final approval of the version to be published.

RBI requires the full names of authors as well as information on the affiliation of each of them. RBI follows the specifications based on the CRdiT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include:  A. theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographic references and about potential conflicts of interest. The authors should inform these and other items during the submission of the articles, sending the information in accordance with the journal’s guidelines, which respect double-blind review and issues related to ethics and good practices.

After the submission of the article, changes on the contribution of the authors can only be made through a document delivered to RBI with the signature of all authors.

1.7 Privacy Policy

As a privacy policy adopted by RBI, the articles are sent to the reviewers through the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER), without identification of authorship, in the same way that the referees are not identified to the author (double-blind review).


All information requested for users’ registration is for the exclusive use of RBI and for its sole purposes.

1.8 ORCID registration

As a form of authorship standardization, the editors request the inclusion of the ORCID identifier for all authors in the act of submission.

The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at:

To use ORCID, you must accept the default options for ORCID ID and include the full URL, accompanied by the phrase “http://”, in your registration, right after the email (e.g.:

Submission of manuscripts

Authors are recommended to read Authors Instructions – Preparation of Manuscripts in RBI website: After preparing the article according to RBI guidelines, authors must login and submit it, alongside with the Title Page and other required information.

Manuscript evaluation policy

Peer review process

Articles submitted to RBI undergo three stages of evaluation during the editorial process: 1) Format Verification – carried out by the Executive Office; 2) Desk review – performed by the editorial team (Editor, Deputy Editor and Associated Editors) and; 3) Merit Assessment – performed by anonymous referees. The process of submission and evaluation of articles is carried out through an online system.

The Format Verification step evaluates whether the manuscript falls within the scope of the section for which it was submitted and its adequacy to the norms of the journal. In this stage, it is also verified whether the article presents elements that may reveal authorship, such as the existence of authors’ names in the text, self-citations and acknowledgements. If approved in this first stage, the manuscript follows on to the Desk review step, performed by the editorial team, in order to gauge whether the article fits the thematic axes of RBI, its relevance and scientific contribution to the area. Articles that fail to meet any of the requirements are refused by the editors. In this case, the author is notified within approximately 15 days.

Once welcomed in the editorial process, the article is forwarded to external referees, from institutions other than the author’s, with qualification and research experience in the topic of the article. The assessment is performed following the double-blind review system. The appointment of referees is under the responsibility of the editors and is based, above all, on their knowledge of the research activities across various institutions and on the relationships between people and research groups in academia. Thus, they intend to avoid possible conflicts or incompatibilities that may impair the evaluation. To assist on the choice of referees, the editors consult the journal’s database with résumés of researchers in the area built with information obtained in Brazilian and international databases (such as the Lattes system, in Brazil, and ORCID, worldwide). It should be noted that the referees who have collaborated with RBI represent the best capacities in the areas of coverage of the journal.

From the indication of referees, the editorial team consults them to check their availability and interest in issuing the requested review. This consultation is made through the website, which submits the title and the summary of the article, without identification of author(s) or institution(s). If one or more of the referees consulted does not accept or is not available to issue a review, the editors indicate other names to replace them.

Ethics Statement

Does not apply.

Conflict of Interests

The journal requests the indication of any conflicts of interest for each article. Therefore, a statement about conflicts of interest should be sent on the title page, in short and clear text. In case there is no conflict of interest, this should also be indicated with the phrase “there are no conflicts of interest”.

Plagiarism and Editorial Misconduct

RBI is dedicated to complying with good practices with regard to moral conduct consistent with the scientific publishing of journals. Prevention of neglect is also a crucial responsibility of the Editor and the editorial team: any form of unethical behavior, which includes plagiarism and data fraud in any instance, is rebuffed at RBI. The authors who submit articles to the journal declare that their content is original and must ensure that the work has not been published or is in the process of review/evaluation in any other journal. The journal is based on good practices in all editorial stages and follows COPE’s guidelines on publication ethics, and adopts as a reference the Code of Ethics of the American Educational Research Associaton (AERA), the Code of Good Scientific Practices of The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and the Council of Science Editors. To promote integrity in research, transparency in the manuscript evaluation process, and the strengthening the ethics in scientific publication, all RBI publications are in accordance with SciELO Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication.   

If there are cases of suspected plagiarism, they will be investigated with academic and ethical rigor, seeking to eliminate any doubts. After the analysis, clarifications and corrections, retreats will be published by the journal when necessary.

RBI editors make use of specialized software to detect plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Using the TurnitIn platform all submitted papers are checked for detection of eventual plagiarism, and those in which this kind of misconduct is identified are immediately rejected. RBI follows FAPESP’s definition of plagiarism as the utilization of ideas or verbal formulation expressed in oral terms or in writing by someone else without crediting them to the author expressly and clearly, thus generating the perception that such ideas are one’s own.

The Editor-in-chief has the authority to freely deliberate the approval or rejection of articles. Submitted articles are considered confidential at all stages of the evaluation process. The assessment of manuscripts is guided exclusively by scientific merit.

RBI accepts the submission of articles presented in events, provided that they are submitted according to the norms of RBI and that the event, the place and the year in which the work was presented are recorded in an additional document, separate from the article. Articles from theses and dissertations are also accepted, provided that the author is the same and that the article submitted follows RBI’s guidelines for authors.

The journal requests for each article the designation of the authors’ contribution. This should be displayed on the title page and should answer the following topics: A. theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references.

The journal requests the indication of any conflicts of interest for each article. Therefore, a statement about conflicts of interest should be sent on the title page, in short and clear text. In case there is no conflict of interest, this should also be indicated with the phrase “there are no conflicts of interest”.

If there are issues of ethical nature related to the articles, these will be investigated based on the guidelines of COPE and FAPESP.

According to FAPESP, as mentioned, plagiarism is understood as the use of ideas or verbal, oral or written formulations of others without giving them, expressly and clearly, the due credit, in order to reasonably generate the perception that they are original ideas or formulations.

Authors, when preparing submissions, should be attentive to 1) consider as authors only those who actively participated in the discussion of the results and also the review and approval of the final version of the article; 2) reference and quote all data and interpretations of other publications which were used in the article correctly; 3) report any conflict of interest; 4) inform the contributions of each author; 5) inform the sources of financing (if any); 6) should there be need, provide retractions and error corrections.

Referees, when receiving the invitation to act as reviewer, must be committed to 1) refuse the invitation if there are conflicts of interest; 2) carry out the assessment themselves; 3) accept the invitation when they are available to do so and to meet the specified deadline; 4) maintain absolute secrecy on the texts reviewed.

Editors should be attentive to 1) ensure peer review to guarantee exemption and impartiality; 2) ensure double-blind peer review, between reviewers and authors; 3) evaluate and investigate cases in which misconduct and unethical behavior are observed; 4) not allow financial interests to compromise publication ethics; 5) ensure that there is no plagiarism or fraudulent results.

Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism   

RBI converges with other journals hosted by the Portal of Scientific Electronic Journals (PPEC) of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) by adhering to the highest principles of scientific integrity and prevention of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. To do this, RBI editors make use of the TurnitIn platform, made available by UNICAMP from November 2016.

Manuscript evaluation policy

Authors are recommended to consult the section “Manuscript Evaluation Policy” for a detailed description of RBI’s evaluation process of manuscripts.

Submission check list

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. As part of the submission process, the authors must mandatorily verify the conformity of the submission in relation to all the items listed below.

  • Authors must ensure the originality and the uniqueness of the work, that is, it cannot have been published previously and/or submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • The file for submission must be in Word and in PDF formats WITHOUT the identification of the authors.
  • The text must follow the standards of style and bibliographical requirements described in RBI’s guidelines for authors;
  • Title page: in the submission of the article, the authors must send, via online system, a separate page of the article containing: 1) title in the original language of the article and title in English for articles in Portuguese and Spanish; 2) full name of each author; 3) affiliation of each author (with university, city, state (if any), and country); 4) e-mail address of each author; 5) indication of who the corresponding author is; 6) the ORCID identifier of each author; 7) contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include: contribution of each author to the manuscript: RBI follows the specifications based on the CRdiT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system adapted to the practices of “innovation studies” journals. The CRediT system specifications for authors’ contribution include:  theoretical and conceptual foundations and problematization; B. data research and statistical analysis; C. elaboration of figures and tables; D. drafting and writing of the text; E. selection of bibliographical references; 8) Indication of conflict of interest (if there is no conflict, please declare “there is no conflict of interest”); 9) source of funding (if there is no financing source, please declare “there is no source of funding”); 10) acknowledgments (if any).
  • Abbreviated citations in the body of the text and in footnotes (author, year of publication and, when applicable, pages) should be complete in the bibliographical references at the end of the text.
  • The work must be aligned with the thematic areas and the scope of the journal;
  • Insert all authors of the article in the system. It will not be allowed to add authors after submission or during the review or editing process of the article.

Once prepared, submissions must be sent to RBI electronic system accessible at this link:


This section publishes Original Articles that contribute to the advancement of theoretical and/or empirical knowledge in the areas of interest of the journal. To submit a paper to RBI, the guidelines for authors and the conditions for submission should be observed. They must be submitted via SEER, the submission system of RBI, in "Article" section. The editors recommend that the papers submitted contain around 8,000 words.

Book Reviews

The Book Review section is dedicated to the publication of reviews (critical analysis) of books published in the last three years, related to the topic of innovation studies and aligned with the editorial scope of the journal. To submit a book review to RBI, the guidelines for authors and the conditions for submission should be observed.  Reviews must be submitted via SEER, the submission system of RBI, in the "Book Review" section and they are approved by the editors. They recommend that the text be around 1,000 words.

Review Articles

Review articles are comprised of broad discussions of a critical nature, with contributions from the author to a given debate, on a specific topic related to RBI’s areas of interest. They must be submitted likewise an original paper, via SEER, the submission system of RBI, in the "Review Article" section and follow the same rules. The editors recommend that review articles contain around 8,000 words.

Privacy Statement

As a privacy policy adopted by RBI, the articles are sent to the reviewers through the Open Journal System (OJS), without identification of authorship, in the same way that the referees are not identified to the author (double-blind review).

All information requested for users’ registration is for the exclusive use of RBI and for its sole purposes.

Intellectual property  

The entire content of the journal, except where it is identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons license - Attribution BY.  

The online journal has free and open access.

This work was licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Brasil license. 

(c) Rev. Bras. Inov. / Braz. J. Innov., Campinas (SP) – e-ISSN  2178-2822