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Niche evolution, external circumstances, and network transformation
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External circumstances
Financial sponsors’ expectations
Niche evolution
Niche network transformation

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DIAS, Marcelo; RAMIREZ, Matias. Niche evolution, external circumstances, and network transformation: from butiá technical niche to butiá socio-technical niche . Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e0200011, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v19i0.8657550. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article analyses the impact of external factors on niche evolution and, in particular, the change from a technical niche into a socio-technical niche. When we review the literature on niche evolution, we find that discussions on the impact of external factors on niche evolution are not clear, particularly, on new financial sponsors’ expectations. Therefore, this paper attempts to answer the following research question: Do changes in public financial resources contribute to transforming a technical niche into a socio-technical niche? We analysed an agricultural innovation niche case based on Butiá Native Fruits (e.g. Butiá odorata and others species), developed mainly by Temperate Climate Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) to understand whether and how external factors might contribute to an evolution of a niche. We found that new financial sponsors’ expectations can cause an important change in the evolution of a niche. Before the existence of a new external finance sponsor, the technical network niche was composed of research organisations and researchers working on isolated projects. However, after a new external finance sponsor was found, the network or organisations moved into experimental activities, upscaling, and outscaling, and began to incorporate multilevel organisations and people. Consequently, a more complex, coordinated organisation was created that incorporated social co-production, democracy, and participation, and the niche progressed towards a socio-technical niche.
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