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Interaction networks in health human area
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University-organizations collaboration
Interaction networks
Health human area
Rio Grande do Sul

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TATSCH, Ana Lúcia; RUFFONI, Janaina; BOTELHO, Marisa dos Reis A.; STEFANI, Rafael. Interaction networks in health human area: a longitudinal study for Rio Grande do Sul. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 00, p. e0200028, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rbi.v20i0.8659069. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


The article aims to characterize interaction networks among actors - research groups and organizations – in the human health area in Rio Grande do Sul. Data were obtained from the DGP/CNPq to build interaction networks for the years 2010, 2014 and 2016. It was observed that there was an increase in groups and interactions over this period. Most of the research groups establish interactions with only one partner. Therefore, more actors join the networks over time, but do not interact much among each other. This identified characteristic is typical of innovative systems in emerging countries, whose interactions among actors are scarce. There are similarities among the networks (such as the relevance of some central actors and firms as peripheral actors), but there are also aspects that differentiate them (universities stand out as partners in the most recent period). Regarding the proximities, geographical and organizational proximities are highlighted as important concepts to explain interactions among different actors.
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