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"O Golem: Entre a técnica e a magia, aquém da bioética


Teoria Literária. Crítica literária.

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SELIGMANN-SILVA, Márcio. "O Golem: Entre a técnica e a magia, aquém da bioética. Remate de Males, Campinas, SP, v. 27, n. 2, p. 183–195, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/remate.v27i2.8636003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2025.


The text shows some ideas about the relationship between the Golem and the issue of technique. First it introduces into the mythical and mystical traditions that shaped the Golem as well as into the construction of its legend. Secondly the text recalls the beginning of the Modern age and the role that was then reserved for the technique. In one last step the article tries to articulate some actual debates about bioethics and the issue of the Golem. In this moment some science fiction works are also taken in account.


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