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Author Guidelines

The papers presented for appreciation must be submitted online by accessing The procedures for registration and sending of the paper are outlined on that page. The author must complete the registration, including institution, city, country and metadata. Every communication regarding the assessment of the paper will be made by electronic means using the same system.


The following types of text will be accepted:

1) Papers with a maximum of 12 thousand words in the Dossier and Other sections.

2) Translations of theoretical reference texts for the area (including eventual brief introductory note) and interviews with critics or writers up to a maximum of 10 thousand words.

3) Reviews on a recently published book, up to a maximum of 8 thousand words, which should follow the same standards as the papers.

4) Unpublished or difficult to access documents considered relevant to the literary study area.


1. Identification

a) Papers must be submitted without the name of the authors, with TWO Titles on the first page, one in Portuguese and the other in English.

b) They must be submitted in word.doc.

c) Reviews must be accompanied of all information to identify the book or source of reference (author, original title, translator, if any, issue, location, publisher, publication year).

d) When the paper makes any reference to works of the author himself, and therefore, allowing its identification, the quotations on the body of the text and on the Bibliography must be presented as in the following examples AUTHOR (2004); AUTHOR (2009).

2. Composition of text and formation

a) The body of the text must be typed in WORD.

b) Text emphasis: in italics.

c) Do not use: idem or idem, ibidem.

d) Illustrations must be accompanied of the corresponding reproduction copyright assignment.


e) Abstract: after the title, TWO abstracts of up to 300 words each must be included. The first must be written in the paper's original language: Portuguese, English, French or Spanish (RESUMO / ABSTRACT / RESUMÉ / RESUMEN); the second in English or French.

f) Keywords: Three keywords must be inserted after each of the abstracts, in the same language of the corresponding abstract (Palavras-chave/ Keywords/Mots-clés/Palabras-clave).

3. References in the text

a) References to authors

References to authors must be made within the body of the text and be accompanied by the following information, as shown in the examples below:

1) Author's surname and publication year between parenthesis, when no textual quotation.
For example:

Barthes (1992) considers every literary description as a vision.

2) Author's surname, with the year and page between parentheses, where there is textual quotation.
For example:

In this sense, according to Derrida (2002, p. 64), "the translation promises a kingdom of language reconciliation".

3) Author's surname in CAPITAL LETTERS, followed by the publication year, when the author's surname is within parenthesis.
For example:

Mediator of two worlds, the protagonist-traveler-narrator is characterized by a dual movement of dépaysement and assimilation in the contact with otherness (MINERVA, 1995; LÉVY-STRAUSS, 1983).

b) Quotations

Quotations of up to three lines remain within the body of the text, only emphasized by quotation marks and with no italic.

Quotations with more than three lines must be presented with NO QUOTATION MARKS, with no italic, emphasized in its own paragraph, in "simple" spacing, with font size 11, three-centimeter indentation from both left and right margins, separated from the previous and next paragraph by one line or more.

c) Footnotes

Must only be explanatory, and have their numbers in superscript in the body of the text, referring to the corresponding numbers on the footnote of the page. They must be written with font size 10.

d) Bibliographic References

Three lines below the end of the body, write: Bibliographic References (which include both Bibliographic and electronic references).

1) Surnames of all authors mentioned throughout the body of the text must be alphabetically listed under this section, using capital letters, followed by the full name(s), in small letters, such as the example below:

ECO, Humberto.

2) If the year of the original version is referenced, this must be within parenthesis, right after the author's surname.


CARPEAUX, Otto Maria. (1964). A literatura alemã, 2nd Ed. São Paulo: Nova Alexandria, 1994.

LUKÁCS, Georg. (1920). A Teoria do romance: um ensaio histórico-filosófico sobre as formas da grande épica. Transl. José Marcos Mariani de Macedo. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2000.


3) If the year of the original version is not mentioned, but only the year of the issue used, the year must be inserted right after the location and publisher.

For example:

ADORNO, Theodor. Notas de literatura I. Transl. Jorge de Almeida. São Paulo: Duas Cidades; Editora 34, 2003.


4) References to book chapters - title with no emphasis, followed by the title of the work in which the chapter is inserted in italics, preceded by In, with colon.


LIENHARD, Martín. La Percepción de las practicas "textuales" ameríndias. Apuntes para um debate interdisciplinario. In: Pizarro, Ana (org.). America Latina: palabra, literatura y cultura. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 1995, v. III, pp. 169-185.

SANTIAGO, Silviano. Para além da história social. In:_____ Nas malhas da letra. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1989, pp. 215-232

5) References to articles in journals - title with no emphasis, followed by the name of the journal in italic, volume and number of the issue, publication year and page number.

For example:

KAHN, Robert. Benjamin leitor de Proust. Alea. v. 14, n 1, 2012 pp. 60-77.

6) References to dissertations and theses - title in italic, followed of additional information, as shown in the example below:

MARQUES, Pedro. Musicalidade na poesia de Manuel Bandeira. Masters' Dissertation in Literary Theory and History. Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Unicamp, Campinas, 2003.

7) Reference to electronic document - title of the work and additional data, as shown below:

MAGRI, Ieda. Literatura e autonomia: uma leitura a partir do posicionamento de Roberto Bolaño. Landa, v. 1, nº 2, 2013. Available at: Accessed on: Feb. 2, 2015.


8) Reference to works presented in events (conferences, congresses, meetings, seminars, etc.): inform the title and additional data. Examples:

FONTES, Joaquim B. Safo de Lesbos: imagens de um palimpsesto. In: Annals of the II Congresso da ABRALIC. Belo Horizonte:Abralic, 1991, pp. 262-271.

GOLDFEDER, André. Coisas-mapa para homens cegos. Formas em atravessamento em Nuno Ramos. In: Electronic annals of the XIV Congresso Internacional da ABRALIC. Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém do Pará, Brazil, 2015.


IMPORTANT NOTE: the non-compliance with the Publication Standards will imply in the paper not being accepted.

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