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"Sobrevoando Auschwitz: 'As aves da noite' "
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Teoria Literária. Crítica literária.

Cómo citar

WALDMAN, Berta. "Sobrevoando Auschwitz: ’As aves da noite’ ". Remate de Males, Campinas, SP, v. 27, n. 2, p. 171–182, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/remate.v27i2.8636002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.


The following text analyses the play The Night Birds, by Hilda Hilst, whose action, set at the concentration camp in Auschwitz, focuses on prisoners from different origins held till their death in a concrete cell, with the Priest Maximilian Kolbe. The play dates from 1968, when Brazil is under a military dictatorship; the reference to Auschwitz can thus, as I see it, be also understood as hinting at the political situation in Brazil, through the use of an allegory based on a double reference structure, that points to terrible events that plague a clearly asymmetrical world of aggressors and victims, and from which coherence, order, and logic have been subtracted. A lyric intensification that explodes in extreme situations and functions as an amplifying dynamo of despair and death runs through the whole text.
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