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The misways of memory in Foucault
Capa: Lygia Eluf (sem título, série Desenhos da Quarentena, técnica: nanquim/papel, 35x15cm, 2020) e Carlos Lamari.
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How to Cite

MATOS RIBEIRO JÚNIOR, Laelson; GOMES DA SILVA, Edvania. The misways of memory in Foucault: discontinuity, echo, archive and difference. Resgate: Revista Interdisciplinar de Cultura, Campinas, SP, v. 30, n. 00, p. e022103, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/resgate.v30i00.8671141. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.


Foucault makes systematic criticisms of a certain conception of memory that, when thinking about the constitution of knowledge, updates a dynamic of historical continuity. However, we believe that there is another modality of memory that runs through Foucauldian texts and, from this perspective, our objective is to outline the contours of this notion of memory discussed by the author. Therefore, our work was based on systematic theoretical reviews of the aforementioned author's works, seeking to carry out a debate and a critical reading of his productions. The results of the analyzes allow us to affirm that Foucault conceives a memory marked by the sign of difference and discontinuity, enlisting historical echoes retaken and reconfigured from one knowledge to another.
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