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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The main author is aware that they must complete the Declaration of Originality, print, sign in the last box, save to PDF and submit along with the text, choosing then the option Statement of Originality.
  • The text is in single space (1.15); uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, and not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg. articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed (Do not include authors' names in the text).
  • Make sure that the ORCID registration has been carried out. If you don´t have ORCID, you can obtain it for free at the URL: IT IS MANDATORY TO MAKE THE ORCID REGISTRATION FOR ALL AUTHORS.
  • The text is inserted in the template available for download, following all the formatting and norms established by the Journal. IT IS MANDATORY TO USE THE TEMPLATE.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format, and URLs for references have been provided where possible.
  • Make sure that, if the article is accepted, after evaluation, it should also be presented with a version translated into English.
  • Certificar-se que foi preenchido o formulário do CRedit. Acessar o formulário em:
  • Certificar-se que os Metadados do manuscrito seguiu as recomendações e estão devidamente preenchidos, conforme formulário:
  • Certificar-se que foi feita a Declaração de Conflito de Interesses link da Declaração, e incluída como "Outro Documento", ou encaminhada via e-mail:
  • Declaro estar ciente de que todos os itens das condições acima foram atendidas, e que na omissão de algum deles terei o manuscrito devolvido ou rejeitado, conforme a pré-avaliação.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors 

I. About the publication

1.1 The International Journal of Higher Education, a publication created by the International Group of Studies and Research in Higher Education (GIEPES) of the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas, has the mission of socializing the production of scientific studies and research, of a theoretical or empirical character, in the area of higher education, with research and studies carried out by professors of education, linked to national and international institutions.

1.2 Submission of an article to the journal implies that it has not been previously published and is not being considered for another publication.

1.3 The texts submitted to the different sections of the journal are evaluated by members of the Editorial Board and ad hoc referees. When changes or corrections are suggested, the originals are returned to the authors. The publication implies the full assignment of copyright in all languages to the International Journal of Higher Education.

1.4 The editors reserve the right to make changes in the works received to adapt them to the journal's rules, respecting the author style and the original content.

II. Sections

  • Articles: Comprises works of a scientific nature on an unprecedented and original theme.
  • Research Articles: Focus on works that originate from a scientific study that includes texts that contain complete reports of studies or research completed or under development. 
  • Experience Reports: Section comprising communications and descriptions of activities carried out in the higher education field, especially when they have an innovative component.
  • Communications: Section that addresses works presented at events, but with a scientific character, and that were published only in summary form, allowing the extension of the text due to the complexity of the studies carried out.
  • Essays: It is intended for an argumentative text, which can be the presentation of a study or the development of a theme in the educational field.
  • Interview: This section has the objective of conducting an interview with personalities from the Education area, specifically from Higher Education, as an invitation, and should be analyzed by the Editorial Committee.
  • Reviews: Objective texts with critical analysis of published works, films and videos, which deal with the subject in question. The review should have a maximum of 3 to 5 pages. It must be unpublished, and not published in any other publication.

 2.1 Review Submission Rules

2.1.1 International Journal of Higher Education

Refer to works related to higher education, published in the last three years.

2.1.2 Be unprecedented.

2.1.3 Written in Portuguese or Spanish and translated into English if approved.

2.1.4 Contain the complete identification of the work (complete reference).

2.1.5 Extension from 10,000 (approximately 3 pages) to 14,000 (approximately 5 pages) characters (with spaces), including, if any, references; citations and bibliographic references follow the same rules as the articles.

2.1.6 Contain a description of the work's content, being faithful to its main ideas, its foundations, its method etc., as well as critical analysis, that is, a dialogue between the reviewer and the work.

2.1.7 Present textual quality in terms of academic style and language.

2.1.8 Include in the body of the review the cover of the reviewed publication (size 200 x 289 pixels).

2.1.9 The model of the review structure should follow the example of a review already published in the journal.

2.1.10 As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items. Submissions of critical reviews will have the same principles and rules as for sending scientific articles. Those that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

2.2 Interview Submission Guidelines

In line with CONEP Resolution No. 510/2016 (National Council of Ethics in Research), the interviews submitted to RIESUP must contain as an attachment the adapted Interview Consent Form (TCE), to exempt RIESUP from future problems. Therefore, those interested in submitting work in the Interview Section should download the PDF file of the term in the link below, fill it out, sign it, scan it and attach it in Step 4 - Supplementary Documents of the RIESUP OJS System. Term in Portuguese (PDF) / Term in English (when the interview is abroad) [PDF]

III.  Author Registration                                                    

3.1 The author registration must follow the standard established by the International Journal of Higher Education, as indicated in the Registration Tutorial step-by-step in the horizontal bar on the main page. The text must contain a maximum of 3 authors in the manuscript, and one of the 3 must have the title of doctor.

3.2 The author registration must follow the standard established by the International Journal of Higher Education, as indicated in the step-by-step manual in the horizontal bar on the main page, or click here. Be brief in the biography (mention only the last academic education and employment function. Do not fill in the CV Lattes biography).

3.3 By decision of the Editorial Committee, if the main author forgets or fails to include any co-authors in the system at the time of submission, this procedure must be communicated immediately by e-mail ( or telephone (19- 3521-6729), even before we send it for evaluation, since the subsequent post-evaluation communication will not be considered, and the other co-authors with the published article will not be included.

IV. Presentation of originals

4.1 The originals must be submitted via the online system. The journal does not accept papers submitted outside the system.

4.2 The International Journal of Higher Education accepts contributions in Portuguese, English, and Spanish for all sections, with priority being Portuguese/English.

4.2.1 Reaffirming the condition above, all manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Higher Education will be bilingual (in Portuguese and English), a condition with the objective of internationalizing the Journal. Therefore, if accepted, the manuscript must also be presented with a version translated into English.

4.3 The translation will be mandatory for manuscripts accepted for publication and will be the responsibility of the authors.

4.4 The originals must be typed in Word format (.doc) only, and manuscripts converted to PDF will not be received.

4.5 It is mandatory to use the template as a basis for structuring the work. Otherwise, the text will be rejected in the pre-evaluation. Click here to download the template.

4.6 The text submitted to the journal must not contain identification of authorship. The data of the author (s) should only be filled in at the time of registration in the system.

V. Instructions on completing the Submission

5.1 Text format: The text must be presented in Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.15, with a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 30 (depending on the section), including notes and references. Text that exceeds the number of pages defined for the section will be returned for adequacy.

5.2 Title: The title of the work must reflect its content and be in the original language, accompanied by its translation (English). It must be written in Arial, 16pts, bold, aligned to the left, initial capital letters.

5.3 Structured abstract:

5.3.1 The abstract must be submitted in the original language and in English. Papers submitted in English should contain abstract and index terms also in Portuguese.
5.3.2 Abstracts should contain up to 250 words.
5.3.3 The abstract should be structured as follows: Introduction / Objective / Methodology / Results / Conclusion.
5.3.4 The style should be narrative, describing the objectives and basic methods adopted. The most relevant results and conclusions should also be included.
5.3.5 The abstract should not, under any circumstances, contain bibliographical citations or non-defined abbreviations.

5.4 The abstract should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 pts, justified, single spaced.

VI. Standardization of Keywords

6.1 Authors must submit up to five keywords, in the original language, representative of the content of the work. They must be written in Times New Roman, 10pts, justified alignment, single spacing, separated by a period (.).

6.2 Standardize using the Thesaurus of the BRASED Education area for the Portuguese language and UNESCO Thesaurus for foreign languages.

6.3 The use of standardized keywords is mandatory. Terms not found in Thesaurus must be notified to the Editorial Board. Failure to comply with this rule implies returning the text for adaptation.

VII. Citations

7.1 Citations must follow the guidelines of NBR 10520/2002. All quotations of works in other languages must be translated into Portuguese; the inclusion of the original excerpt in a note is optional.

7.2 Authors are asked to highlight terms or expressions in the text using single quotes. Foreign words must be spelled in italics.

VIII. Footnotes

8.1 Notes should be used when strictly necessary, numbered and inserted as "footnotes".

8.2 Mention of documents or works cited should appear in the References item and not in the notes.

IX. Illustrations

9.1 Tables, figures, pictures, illustrations, graphs, and drawings must be inserted in the text. Scanned images must be presented with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (not interpolated).

9.2 Materials from digital cameras must have at least 3 megapixels of optical resolution without compression (high definition module).

9.3 All images must be properly numbered and accompanied by captions and source indication.

9.4 The nomenclature for this type of material should be: Figure starting with a capital letter and the progressive numbering separated by a hyphen. Example: Figure 1. Restored classroom - should be placed above the material in the form of a caption. The source of origin is inserted at the bottom.

9.5 The Tables must be accompanied by a title that allows to understand the meaning of the collected data, without the need to refer to the text, always placed above. Follow the IBGE table standards. [Example: Table 1. Estimated higher education courses]. The source of origin is inserted at the bottom.

9.6 For tables, the nomenclature must be placed above the illustration. Example: Chart 1. The school     structure. The source of origin is inserted at the bottom.

X. Inclusion of ORCID and Lattes

10.1 As a form of standardization of authorship, the Committee of the International Journal of Higher Education has made it mandatory to include the ORCID ID in the act of submission.

10.2 The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: You must accept the standards for submitting iD ORCID, and include the full URL, accompanied by "http://", in your registration right after the email (for example: 0002-1825-0097). The author(s) must leave the ORCID public, fill an employment contract (employment) and academic training, at least the last one.

10.3 Metadata without ORCID registration will not proceed with the evaluation process. ORCID registration of all authors is mandatory.

10.4 Authors must also provide, at the time of submission, the inclusion of their Lattes registration number in the journal's system. Include the number of the Lattes record in the field identified as URL.

XI. Instructions for preparing references

11.1 All cited documents must be presented at the end of the article, with the title References, without distinction between books, periodicals, documents etc. The adopted standard is NBR-6023/2018.

11.2 In the references, the title should be in bold and not underlined. The subtitle should not be highlighted. (NBR-6023: 2018).

11.3 Manuscripts outside this format will be returned, or even rejected in the pre-evaluation.


11.5 NOTE:(*) Text citations must accompany pagination. The references and citations contained in the Appendix are illustrated models of how they should be made.

 XII. Statement of Originality

12.1 Submissions sent to RIESUP must be accompanied by the Declaration of Originality, a term that determines whether the submission is original, follow the protocols for free access, and if it is not also being forwarded to another publication in parallel. Therefore, the main author must complete the Declaration, fill it out, sign it, convert it to PDF and upload it along with the submission file, choosing the option "Declaration of Originality". If you have difficulties to upload the declaration, contact us by e-mail at: 


This section is intended to include the presentation of dossiers.

Make a new submission in the Presentation section.


It comprises works of a scientific nature on an unprecedented and original theme.

Make a new submission in the Articles section.

Research Articles  

Reports originated from a scientific study that includes texts that contain research products completed or under development in the area of Higher Education.  [?????] [Mesma questão anterior]

Make a new submission to the Research Articles section. 

Experience reports

Section comprising communications and descriptions of activities carried out in the higher educational field.

Make a new submission to the Experience report section.

Others and Prose

It is intended for a narrative, poetic text or facing an original theme and or an argumentative document, which can be the presentation of a study or the development of a theme in the higher education field.

Make a new submission to the Others and Prose section. [Colocar esta seção também na página da lista das seções???]


This section aims to conduct an interview with someone from Higher Education area,  by invitation of the Editorial Committee.

Make a new submission to the Interview section.


Publication of a short, clear, and objective text that deals with a specific theme related to the scope of the journal.

Make a new submission to the Essay section.


Objective texts with critical analysis of published works, films, and videos, which deal with the subject in question. The review should have a maximum of 3 to 5 pages. It must be new, and not published in any other publication.

Make a new submission to the Reviews section.

Ad-hoc Partners

Exclusive section to disclose the names of the reviewers of the journal's volume of the year. Restricted to Editors.

Make a new submission to the Ad-hoc Reviewers section.

Copyright Statement EditEdit Copyright Statement

The International Journal of Higher Education uses the Creative Commons (CC) license, thus preserving the integrity of articles in an open access environment.

Privacy Policy Edit Privacy Policy

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.