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Higher education and agency the singular constitution of higher education teacher nowadays
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Constitution of the teacher. Agency. Higher education.

How to Cite

PENSIN, Daniela Pederiva. Higher education and agency the singular constitution of higher education teacher nowadays. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 1, p. 74–94, 2018. DOI: 10.22348/riesup.v4i1.8650674. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


The aim of this paper is the constitution of the higher education teacher considering the current complexity. This problem is inspired in the studies of Foucault, through the discourse as a theoretical and methodological concept. Through this discourse we tried to recognize the constitution of the higher education teacher linked to the teaching constitution; assent the historical and context constitution of this teacher; take it in its singular invention of a specific subject; show what it is considered truth about this teacher through institutional discourses. Institutional Pedagogical Projects were considered in nine universities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and we looked for recurrent discourses – ways of circulating authorized truth that constitute the teacher. It was organized in two sections: the first is about the constitution of the teacher in a historical perspective that allows to see the teacher in an atmosphere of the education in his/her own time in a non-static and non-linear constitution. The second one is about the comprehension that the teacher, nowadays, is in singular teaching practices that is operated by intermediation. The analytical movement that supports this text leads to the comprehension that the teacher is made of, nowadays, as a subject that runs by intermediation and, thus, mobilizes the idea of making of the subject someone who is able to produce effects, at least, in three dimensions: (1) a market dimension, (2) a knowledge and technology dimension, (3) a human dimension.
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