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The catholic model of higher education in Brazil
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ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))

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Catholic church
Higher education –Brazil
Leonel Franca

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OLIVEIRA, Natália Cristina de; CAMPOS, Névio de; SKALINSKI JÚNIOR, Oriomar. The catholic model of higher education in Brazil: Priest Leonel Franca and the creation of the Catholic Pontifical University -PUC. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 5, p. e019014, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v5i0.8653644. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper aims at discussing the implementation of the catholic model of education in the Brazilian higher education. We address the role played by the Jesuit priest Leonel Edgard da Silveira Franca (1893-1948), an intellectual leader responsible for the articulation and institutional viability of the Catholic Pontifical University in Rio de Janeiro. When evaluating his trajectory, priest Franca was seen as an important mediator between the Church and the State. In the 1930s and 1940s, he took part, along with the Getúlio Vargas government –in the fight for the reinclusion of the subject religion in regular schools. This discussion is based on sources found in the Archives of the Jesuit Province in Brazil as well as a theoretical background supported by the concepts put forward by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. This documental and theoretical material was used to analyze the disputes in which Franca took part regarding the institutionalization of the catholic higher education. With this purpose, we investigate the priest’s actions within his sociability networks to enable the creation of the Higher Education Catholic Institute in 1932. We also reflect on how this action was deepened with the creation of the Catholic Colleges in 1941 and, finally, how the catholic activism was approached with the foundation of PUC in 1948, where Leonel Franca became the rector. The creation of a catholic university in the country was a cornerstone in priest Franca’s trajectory.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))



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